Mutalip Beppaev


Moscow Institute of Literature
Other Names
Beppaylanı Mutalıp

Poet (b. 1949, Kazakhstan). He is from the third generation of poets of Balkar. He was born in exile. He returned to his homeland with his family after 1956. After finishing Yeniköy Village High School, he graduated from Moscow Institute of Literature. He has worked in Balkar Theatre, Department of Literature, Nur children’s review in Balkar language and Mingi Tau review, the Balkar Desk of television. Now, he is the editor-in chief of Zaman newspaper. He was accepted to Writers Union of Union of Soviet Socialist Republic as the youngest member in 1978. He is a member of Executive Committee of Kazim Meçiev Foundation.

He is a poet who writes his poems in Balkar  and Russian, gives importance to the themes of love, nature, homeland and brings the modern forms in Balkar poetry. Except literature, he is interested in the problems of peoples and society closely.


Uyanğan Kayala (Awakening Rocks, 1978), Tolkunlu Dolay (Wavy Ocean, 1984), Elbrus-Belokrılaya Ptitsa (Elbruz-Bird with White Wings, 1985, Russian, Moskow).



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