Mustafa Çalık

Publisher, Writer

17 July, 1956
Ankara University Faculty of Political Sciences

Writer, publisher. He was born on July 17, 1956 in Çalık village / Gümüşhane (Centrum). He graduated from Bayburt High School (1974) and from Ankara University, Faculty of Political Sciences (1978). He has also completed his master (1983) and doctoral (1992) degrees in the same faculty. He has also completed a master program at GSIS, Denver University (1987). He has prepared the theses of “Bloody Interventions to Cultural Changes” for expertise at DPT and “MHP Movement in terms of Some Concepts of Political Culture and Sociology (1965-1980)” for the doctoral degree. He worked as an expert at DPT (1980-1989). He wrote a column in Demokrat Gümüşhane newspaper between the years 1973-1974. Also, his articles were published in the journals of Yeni Ufuk (1997) and Ayyıldız (1999). He published the journal named Türkiye Günlüğü starting from 1989, of which he is the editor-in-chief. He is the member of Turkish Hearths and Mülkiyeliler Birliği.


Siyasi Kültür ve Sosyolojinin Bazı Kavramları Açısından MHP Hareketi (1965), Siyasi Yazılar (1998), Teorik Denemeler (1999).

REFERENCE: Beşir Ayvazoğlu / Mülkiyeyi Ankara Terminalinde Bitiren Adam: Mustafa Çalık (Defterimde Kırk Sûret, 3rd ed., 1999, p. 180-184), İhsan Işık (TEKAA, 2009).



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