Ahmet Naim (Çıladır)

Story Writer, Writer

24 April, 1967
Other Names
Kanca Ahmet

Storywriter (b. 1904, İstanbul - d. 1967, Zonguldak). He wasn’t able to continue his education after he finished Eyüp Sultan Reşadiye Primary School. He worked at the Zonguldak Chamber of Commerce and the Zonguldak Coal Company and retired from there (1957). His stories reflecting the lives of coal workers were published in the reviews Yedi Gün, Yurt ve Dünya.


SHORT STORY: Kuduz Düğünü (Rabies Wedding, 1968), Bir Yudum Soluk (A Gulp of Breath, 1972).

RESEARCH: Bir Müstemlekenin Tarihi (History of a Colony, 1934), Zonguldak Kömür Havzası (Zonguldak Coal Basin, 1934).

PLAY: Uzun Mehmed (Uzun Mehmed, 1932), Define (Buried Treasure, 1939).


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