Economist (b. 9 November 1940, İstanbul - d. 29 October 2022, Ankara). He is a
graduate of the London School of Economics (1964). He received his assistant
professorship degree in 1970 and associate professorship in 1975. He is the
Director of the European and Middle East Research Center and gives lectures at
İstanbul University, Department of Economics. His articles have been published
in numerous economy reviews in Turkey and abroad. He is the editor of “Middle
East Business and Banking”. He is a member of the Environmental Problems
Foundation and the International Executives Association. He was the coordinator
for Turkey at the World Trade Center, Turkey’s representative to the Council of
European National Youth Committees and founding member of the European
Community association.
Survey of the Turkish Tourism Industry, Dışsal
Ekonomiler ve Ekonomik Gelişme (External Economies and
Economical Development), İktisadi Gelişme (Economic Development),
İktisada Giriş (Introduction to Economics), Uluslararası Ekonomi
(International Economy), Turkey's Foreign Economic Relations, Metropolitan
Planning and Management, Gümrük Birliğinin Siyasal ve Ekonomik Bedeli
(Political and Economic Cost of Customs Unity), Dünden Bugüne Kıbrıs (Cyprus
from Past to Present, 2002), Düşünceler-Attilâ İlhan'la Neler Tartıştık? (Thoughts
- What We Discussed with Attila İlhan, 2002), Türkiye - Avrupa İlişkilerinde
Sessiz Darbe (Silent Revolution in Turkey-EU Relations, 2002), Dünya'da
ve Türkiye'de Büyük Sermaye (Large Capital in the World and in Turkey,
2002), Türkiye ve Küreselleşme (Turkey and Globalization, 2002), Zaman
Tünelinde Bir Adam (A Man in the Time Tunnel, 2002).
REFERENCE: Vitrindekiler (Cumhuriyet Kitap, 24.12.1998), Attila İlhan’la 100 Saat (Kitap Rehberi, Aralık 2001), Aslı Örnek / Türkiye - Avrupa İlişkilerinde Sessiz Darbe (Radikal Kitap, 5.7.2002) - Dünya’da ve Türkiye’de Büyük Sermaye (Radikal Kitap, 29.9.2002), Türkiye ve Küreselleşme (Milliyet Kültür-Sanat, 24.7.2002), Sessiz Darbe (Cumhuriyet Kitap, 31.10.2002), İhsan Işık / Resimli ve Metin Örnekli Türkiye Edebiyatçılar ve Kültür Adamları Ansiklopedisi (2. bas., 2009), Erol Manisalı kimdir? Erol Manisalı neden hayatını kaybetti? - Yazarımız Erol Manisalı yaşamını yitirdi (, 29.10.2022), Prof. Dr. Erol Manisalı hayatını kaybetti (, 29.10.2022), Prof. Dr. Erol Manisalı hayatını kaybetti (, 29.10.2022), Akademisyen yazar Erol Manisalı hayatını kaybetti (, 29.10.2022), Prof. Dr. Erol Manisalı hayatını kaybetti (, 29.10.2022), Akademisyen yazar Prof. Dr. Erol Manisalı vefat etti (, 29.10.2022), Prof. Dr. Erol Manisalı hayatını kaybetti (, 29.10.2022).