Rauf Mutluay

Literature Researcher

14 May, 1995
İstanbul Teacher Training School Department of Turkish Language and Literature

Literature researcher (b. 1925, Eskişehir – d. 14 May 1995, İstanbul). He was a graduate of İstanbul High School for Boys (1942) and the İstanbul Teacher Training School, Department of Turkish Language and Literature (1947). He worked as a literature teacher in high schools in Antalya, Kastamonu, Edirne, Levent, at İstanbul Fatih High School for Girls and Atatürk High School for Boys. After retiring in 1974, he prepared literature books, anthologies and research and worked as an advisor for the Gerçek Publishing House on the publication series 100 soruda (In 100 Questions). He lectured in İstanbul University, Institute of Journalism and Public Relations and in the State Applied Arts College.    

His first work was a short story called Bir Selam (A Salutation, 1046) published in the magazine Gün. His book reviews and critiques were published in the magazines and journals Hür Vatan, Dünya, Kim, Yön, Cumhuriyet, Dostluk, Varlık, Türk Dili, Yeni Ufuklar, Papirüs, Yeditepe and Milliyet Sanat, etc.


RESEARCH-COLLECTION: 100 Soruda Türk Edebiyatı (Turkish Literature in 100 Questions, 1970), 100 Soruda 19. Yüzyıl Türk Edebiyatı (19th Century Turkish Literature in 100 Questions, 1970), 100 Soruda Edebiyat Bilgileri (Literature Knowledges in 100 Questions, 1972), Türk Halk Şiiri Antolojisi (Anthology of Turkish Folk Literature, 1972), 100 Soruda Çağdaş Türk Edebiyatı (Contemporary Turkish Literature in 100 Questions, 1973), 50 Yılın Türk Edebiyatı (50 Years of Turkish Literature, 1973), Tanzimattan Günümüze Kadar Türk Şiiri (Turkish Poetry from the Tanzimat Reform to Today, 1973).

COLLECTION: Pas Demiri Yiyor (Rust Eats Iron, 1974), Bende Yaşayanlar (Those Who Live in Me, 1977), Sebiller Su Vermiyor (Public Fountains Don’t Give Water, his articles that appeared in Cumhuriyet newspaper between 1969 and 1978, 2002).

REFERENCE: Mehmet Seyda / Edebiyat Dostları (1970), Atilla Özkırımlı / Türk Edebiyatı Ansiklopedisi (1982), Seyit Kemal Karaalioğlu / Resimli Türk Edebiyatçılar Sözlüğü (2. bas. 1982), Doğan Hızlan / Yaşayan Eleştirmenlerimiz II (Gösteri, Kasım 1982), İhsan Işık / Yazarlar Sözlüğü (1990, 1998) - Türkiye Yazarlar Ansiklopedisi (2001, 2004) – Encyclopedia of Turkish Authors (2005) - Resimli ve Metin Örnekli Türkiye Edebiyatçılar ve Kültür Adamları Ansiklopedisi (2006, gen. 2. bas. 2007) – Ünlü Bilim Adamları (Türkiye Ünlüleri Ansiklopedisi, C. 2, 2013) - Encyclopedia of Turkey’s Famous People (2013), Behçet Necatigil / Edebiyatımızda İsimler Sözlüğü (18. bas. 1999), Ali Galip Yener / Mutluay Okunuyor mu Hâlâ? (Virgül, Nisan 2001), TDE Ansiklopedisi (c. 6), Cemal Süreya / 99 Yüz (2004).




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