Researcher of
literature (b. 1892, Trabzon
– d. 19 December 1981, İstanbul). He graduated from Istanbul University,
Faculty of Literature in 1913. He worked as a teacher of literature at high
schools in Trabzon, Erzurum and İstanbul and as the İstanbul
Director of Public Education (1945-50). He was teaching at Vefa High School
when he retired in 1957. His writing career started with a short story that was
published in the newspaper Meşveret (Trabzon, 1913). He was
known for his reference textbooks, anthologies and books that introduced
authors. He also rewrote the folk tales that he had collected. He wrote more
than sixty works.
Halk Edebiyatı Şiir ve Dil
Örnekleri (Examples from Folk Poetry and
Language, 1933), Edebiyat Antolojisi (Literature
Anthology, in 6 volumes, 1938-40), Türk
Edip ve Şairleri (Turkish Authors and Poets, in 4 volumes, 1939-40), Kadın Şair ve Muharrirlerimiz (Women
Poets and Authors, 1941), Mükemmel Roman
Hülasaları (Summaries of Great Novels, 1945), Vezin-Nazım (Meter - Verse, 1962), Türk Edebiyatından Seçme Özetler (Selected Summaries from Turkish
Literature, 1962), Türk Mitolojisi (Turkish
Mythology, 1967), etc.