Mehmet Başaran

Yazar, Şair

28 Haziran, 2015
Hasanoğlan Village Institutes

     Poet and writer (b. 1926, Ceyhan village / Lüleburgaz). After he completed his secondary and higher education in Kepirtepe and Hasanoğlan Village Institutes, he worked as a teacher and traveling head teacher beginning in 1946. He worked as a Turkish teacher in secondary and high schools in İstanbul from 1960. Participating in the foundation of the Teachers Union of Turkey, he became a member of the general management committee and representative of the Marmara Region.  He is one of the well-known writers who received his education in Village Institutes.

His poems and stories featured in journals beginning with Köy Enstitüleri Dergisi (1945) and later Yücel, Varlık, Yeditepe, İmece, Yansıma, Yeni Dergi, Gösteri, Yazko-Edebiyat.  He received the 1970 Turkish Radio and Television Corporation Art Awards Competition Achievement Award with his story Elif Diye Bir Türkü (A Folk Song Called Elif). He won the second prize in the 1974 Sabahattin Ali Story Competition with his story Ayarlanmak (To Be Arranged) and won the 1979 Orhan Kemal Novel Award with his novel Mehmetçik Mehmet (Soldier Mehmet).


POETRY: Ahlat Ağacı (Wild Pear Tree, 1953), Karşılama (Meeting, 1958), Nisan Haritası (April Map, 1960), Kocakent (Big City, 1963), Pıtraklı Memleket (Homeland with Gnarled Trees, 1969), Gök Ekin (Green Crop, 1975), Meşe Seli (Flood of Oaks, 1982), Günler Tuz Rengi (Days are the Color of Salt, 1986), Sis Dağının Başında Borana Bak Borana (Look at the Snowstorm on Misty Mountain, 1990), Eylülün Kızgın Soluğu (Angry Breath of September, 1996), Koca Bir Troya Dünya (The World is a Huge Troy, 1997), Pir Sultan Ölür Ölür Dirilir (Pir Sultan Dies, Dies and is Revived, 2002).

STORY-MEMOIR: Aç Harmanı (Harvest of the Hungry, 1962), Zeytin Ülkesi (Country of Olives, 1964, new edition with the name Yüreğin Sesi-Zeytin Ülkesi - Voice of the Heart, Country of Olives, 1983), Sürgünler (Exiles, 1970), Elif Diye Bir Türkü (A Folk Song Called Elif, 1976), Dilsiz Oyunu (Dumb Play, 1983), Yasaklı (Prohibited, 1987), Hoşçakal Dünya (Bye World, 1990), Giz Kokan Suskunluk (Silence Smelling of Secrets, 1991), Aç Harmanı (Harvest of the Hungry, 2002).

NOVEL: Mehmetçik Mehmet (Soldier Mehmet, 1979).

FOLK TALE: Kuş Dili (Bird Language, 1968), Akça Kız (Whitish Girl, 1970), Aç Kapıyı Bezirgan Başı (Open the Door Head Merchant, 1974), Evvel Evvelken (When Past was Past, 1974), Yağmur Gelini (Rain Bride, 1974), Boyalı Irmak (Colored River, 1979), Armutlu Tarla (Pear Orchard, 1979), Söğütler Ses Verince (When Willows Make Sound, 1981), Çiçeklerin Dili (Language of the Flowers, 1992), Güneşin Türküsü (Song of the Sun, 1992).

OTHER WORKS: Çarığımı Yitirdiğim Tarla (The Field Where I Lost My Shoes, village notes, 1955), Tonguç Yolu (Tonguç Road, essays, 1974), Sabahattin Eyüboğlu ve Köy Enstitüleri (Sabahattin Eyüboğlu and the Village Institutes, 1990), Özgürleşme Eğilimleri ve Köy Enstitüleri (Liberalization Tendencies and Village Institutes, 1990), Devrimci Eğitim - Köy Enstitüleri (Revolutionist Education- Village Institutes, 1999).

REFERENCE: Memet Fuat (Yeditepe, 15.3.1954), Oktay Akbal (Vatan Sanat Eki, 7.2.1954), Mehmet Kaplan / Cumhuriyet Devri Türk Şiiri (1973, s. 488-491), İhsan Işık / Yazarlar Sözlüğü (1990, 1998) - Türkiye Yazarlar Ansiklopedisi (2001, 2004) – Encyclopedia of Turkish Authors (2005) - Resimli ve Metin Örnekli Türkiye Edebiyatçılar ve Kültür Adamları Ansiklopedisi (2006, gen. 2. bas. 2007) - Encyclopedia of Turkey’s Famous People (2013), İmece / Kırkıncı Sanat Yılı Özel Sayısı (26.12.1993), Damla / 40. Sanat Yılı Özel Sayısı (7.5.1993), Dünya Kitap (Özel sayı ve ayrıntılı kaynakça, Nisan 1996), Mehmet Cimi / O Yıllar Dile Gelse (1997), Bedrettin Aykın / Başaran’ın dünyayı kucaklayan türküsü (Cumhuriyet Kitap, 2 .7.1998), Behçet Necatigil / Edebiyatımızda İsimler Sözlüğü (18. bas. 1999), Şükran Kurdakul / Şairler ve Yazarlar Sözlüğü (gen. 6. bas. 1999), TBE Ansiklopedisi (2001), Hasan Akarsu / Pir Sultan Abdal Dirilir (Cumhuriyet Kitap, 20.6.2002), İbrahim Oluklu / Seni Yazarak (Balıkesir, 2003), Tanzimattan Günümüze Türk Şiiri Antolojisi (2002), Hasan Akarsu / Şiirler-Den / İzler (2004), Berfin Bahar-Özel Bölüm (Eylül 2004).


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