İsmail Hâmi Dânişmend

Glossarist, Historian, Poet

12 April, 1967
Mülkiye Mektebi (School of Political Sciences)

Historian (b. 1899, Merzifon / Amasya – d. 12 April 1967, İstanbul). He also wrote under pen names such as Hayali Çelebi, Muhti Çelebi and Râbia Hâtun. He completed his secondary education in Beirut. He graduated from the Paris College de France and Mülkiye Mektebi (School of Political Sciences) in İstanbul (1913). He gave lectures on the history of religions and political history at İstanbul School of Finance, Faculty of Literature and at the School of Politics (1913- 1914). He was the Principal of the Baghdad School of Law. He was one of the delegates who participated in the Sivas Congress.

He supported the National Struggle with his articles that he published in the newspaper Memleket (publisher) and in Hakimiyet-i Milliye and İrade-i Milliye. He did not take a state post after the establishment of the Republic and dedicated himself completely to Turkish and Islamic history research. He collected his works in more than thirty books.

It is accepted that he wrote the book Rabia Hatun Şiirleri (Poems of Rabia Hatun) although it was originally thought to have been written by his wife. Enis Batur republished these poems in 2001.


Türkçe-Osmanlıca-Fransızca Sözlük (Turkish – Ottoman – French Dictionary, 1935), Türklerle Hind-Avrupalıların Menşe Birliği (The Source of Unity of the Turks and the Indo-European, in 2 volumes, 1935-36), Tarih ve Coğrafya'ya Ait Değişik İsimler Lugatı (Dictionary of Interesting Names Belonging to History and Geography, 1937), Destan ve Divan Edebiyatlarında İstanbul Sevgisi (Love of İstanbul in Legends and Divan* Literature, 1941), Ali Suavi'nin Türkçülüğü (Turkism of Ali Suavi, 1942), İzahlı Osmanlı Tarihi Kronolojisi (Ottoman History Chronologically Explained, 4 volumes, 1947-55), İstanbul Fethinin İnsanî ve Medenî Kıymeti (The Humanist and Modernist Values of the Conquest of İstanbul, 1953), Fransızca-Türkçe Resimli Büyük Dil Kılavuzu (Great French- Turkish Language Guide with Illustrations, 2 volumes, 1954), Baltacı'nın Prut Zaferi (Prussian Victory of Baltacı, 1955), Türkiyat ve İslâmiyat Tetkikleri Külliyatı (The Corpus of Turkology and Islamic Research, 1956), Türk Irkı Niçin Müslüman Olmuştur (Why Did the Turkish Race Convert to Islam, 1959), Dinde Reformcular (Reformists in Religion, with Eşref Edib, A. F. Başgil, N. Topçu and M. R. Ogan, 1959), Garb Menbalarına Göre Garb Medeniyetinin Menbaı Olan İslâm Medeniyeti (Islamic Civilization as a Source of Western Civilization According to Western Resources, 1961), Sadrazam Tevfik Paşa'nın Dosyasındaki Resmî ve Hususî Vesikalara Göre 31 Mart Vakası (31st March Incident According to the Legal and Personal Documents in the Dossier of Grand Vizier Tevfik Paşa, 1961), Garp Menbalarına Göre Eski Türk Seciyesi (The Turks in History According to Western Resources, 1961), Türklük Meseleleri (The Issues of Turkism, 1966), Tarihî Meseleler ve Menkıbeler Lugati (Dictionary of Historical Issues and Events, 1966), Garp İlminin Kur'an-ı Kerim Hayranlığı (The Koran’s Admiration of Western Science, 1967), Sümer-Türk Birliği (Sümer – Turkish Union, in 2 volumes, 1967), Tarihî Hakikatler (The Historical Facts, 1979), Eski Türk Seciye ve Ahlâkı (The Character and Morals of Turks in History, 1983).

REFERENCE: İsa Kocakaplan / Edebiyatımızda Rabia Hatun Skandalı (Türk Edebiyatı, sayı: 216, 1961), Mücellidoğlu Ali Çankaya / Yeni Mülkiye Tarihi ve Mülkiyeliler (c. IV, 1968), Uluğ İğdemir / Sivas Kongresi Tutanakları (s. 59-65, 1969), Mehmet Kaplan / Şiir Tahlilleri II: Cumhuriyet Devri Türk Şiiri (s. 402-404, 1984), Sina Akşin / İstanbul Hükümetleri ve Millî Mücadele (I, 1983), Türk ve Dünya Ünlüleri Ansiklopedisi (III, 1983), Cevdet Küçük / “Dânişmend, İsmail Hâmi” (TDV İslam Ansiklopedisi (c. 8, s. 465-467, 1992), İhsan Işık / Resimli ve Metin Örnekli Türkiye Edebiyatçılar ve Kültür Adamları Ansiklopedisi (2006, gen. 2. bas. 2007) - Ünlü Bilim Adamları (Türkiye Ünlüleri Ansiklopedisi, C. 2, 2013) - Encyclopedia of Turkey’s Famous People (2013). 


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