İsmail Doğan

Educator, Writer

Ankara University

Writer (b. 1954, Baloğlu village / Orhaneli / Bursa). He completed his primary and secondary education in Bursa and graduate (1984) and postgraduate education (1989) at Ankara University. After working as a teacher at Ankara Etik High School for a short time, he worked as a researcher at Samsun Ondokuz Mayıs University, Faculty of Education and at Ankara University, Institute of Social Sciences.

He was appointed to Ankara University, Faculty of Education Sciences as an assistant professor in 1990. He became professor in 2002 while he was an associate professor at the Department of Education Sociology. He still works at this faculty. On the issues of Education Sociology including family, education, social culture, alienation, social history, communication and teenage and children’s culture he has done research, written studies, reports and articles and presented papers at scientific meetings. He has taken part in radio and television discussions, conferences and other similar activities. His articles have been published in the reviews Çağdaş Eğitim Dergisi, Eğitim ve Bilim, İslâmî Araştırmalar, Millî Eğitim, Millî Kültür,Toplum ve Bilim, Yedi İklim, Düşünen Siyaset and Türk Yurdu, and in the newspapers Zaman, Bursa 2000, Bursa Hakimiyet, Yeniyüzyıl, Sağduyu, Radikal and Kent. Among the graduate and post-graduate courses that he gives are General Sociology, Education Sociology, Turkish Family Sociology, Children’s Culture, Episteme Sociology, Turkish Sociologists and Social Sub-Culture Phenomenon. His PhD thesis was on Türk Kültür ve Eğitimine Katkıları açısından M. Tahir Münif Paşa ve Ali Suavi Üzerinde Mukayeseli Bir Çalışma. (A Comparative Work on M. Tahir Münif and Ali Suavi with Respect to Their Contributions to Turkish Culture and Education)

WORKS (Study-Research):

Tanzimat’ın İki Ucu: Münif Paşa ve Ali Suavi (Two Points of the Tanzimat* Reform: Münif Paşa and Ali Suavi, 1991), Sosyoloji-Ders Notları (Sociology- Course Notes, 1993), Bir Alt Kültür Olarak Ankara Yüksel Caddesi Gençliği (Ankara Yüksel Street Youth As A Subculture, 1994), Sosyoloji-Kavram ve Sorunlar (Sociology – Notions and Issues, 1996), Çocuk Kültürü: Tarihte, Dünyada ve Türkiye’de (Children’s Culture: In History, the World and Turkey, 1995), Değişen Türkiye’de Bilim ve Kültür (Science and Culture in Changing Turkey, 1997), İletişim ve Yabancılaşma - Yazılı Kültürümüzde İlkler (Communication and Alienation – Firsts in our Written Culture, 1997), Sokaktaki Yabancı, İşyeri İsimlerine Yansıyan Kültürel Eğilimler (Foreigner in the Street, Cultural Inclinations on Naming Shops, 1999), Sivil Toplum, Ondan Bizde de Var (Civic Society, We Had It Too, 2000), Osmanlı Ailesi, Sosyolojik Bir Yaklaşım (Ottoman Family, A Sociologic Approach, 2001),  Modern Toplumda Vatandaşlık, Demokrasi ve İnsan Hakları, “İnsan Haklarının Kültürel Temelleri” (Citizenship, Democracy and Human Rights in Modern Society “Cultural Foundations of Human Rights”, 2001), Bizde Kadın, Ahmet Cevat’ın Aynı Adlı Eseri Üzerinde Bir Değerlendirme (The Woman in Us, an evaluation on the work of Ahmet Cevat with the same title, 2003). 



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