Sinan Ergin who started his professional career in Xerox in 1990 as a sales representative, had the responsibilities as Ankara District Manager, İstanbul Direct Sales Manager, Sales And Marketing Director of Turkey, Turkey and Turkish Republics Emerging Markets Sales and Marketing Director, Turkey and Turkish Republics and MİERA- Emerging Markets Operation Director and Member of Board. Throughout his carrier for 13 years in Xerox, he was awarded for numerous achievements and especially for this leadership and management methods and for sales and marketing projects implemented during the crisis of 2001, he was honored with EMEA award. Between 2003 -2006 he worked as General Manager of Canon and in 2006 founded his company focusing on Training, Consulting and Organization. Besides his academic education on Business Administration, he participated numerous international trainings and seminars on management, leadership and personal development. He had active roles on numerous Associations and Non-Governmental Organizations.
is rendering consultancy services and trainings to Turkey’s leading companies
and giving seminars on leadership, Sales & Marketing and motivation. The
most important subject that he emphasizes is personal integrity, his seminars
on Personal Wholeness and company Integrity is followed by hundred thousands of
people. He conveyed an alternate point of view by his training programs like
‘Impressing 7 seconds and Get the answer Yes in 7 minutes’, ‘Integral
Marketing’, ’Fast & Fasting Leadership’.
And Marketing School that he founded is unique in Turkey and the world in terms
of its training system and with this alternate training system he is educating
more than 10.000 sales and marketing specialists per year and recruiting in
Turkey’s leading corporations. He founded Live Consulting&Academy in 2014,
conveying his philosophy that internal and external lives should be one and
integrated, and success in business life maintained through internal formation.
2012 he was awarded with the Medici Medal and he is the author of bestseller
books ‘Why’ and ‘Without Why’.
Who is Sinan Ergin? (, 02.07.2019), Sinan Ergin books (,,,, 02.07.2019).