Hasan Ali Yücel

Statesman, Educator, Writer

17 December, 1897
26 February, 1961
İstanbul University Faculty of Literature Department of Philosophy

Statesman and writer (b. 17 December 1897, İstanbul – d. 26 February 1961, İstanbul). He graduated from İstanbul University, Faculty of Literature, Department of Philosophy (1921). He worked as a teacher of philosophy and literature in İzmir and İstanbul. He was Ministry of Public Education inspector and general director of elementary education (1933). He was elected İzmir deputy (1935) and was assigned as Minister of Public Education at the cabinet of Celal Bayar (1938). In his administration, experts from foreign countries were brought to Turkey and Ankara State Conservatoire and Village Institutes were found (1940), and an effort was started to translate and publish world classics (1941). Losing 1950 elections, he moved to İstanbul. He administrated İş Bank Culture Publications. He was the Minister of Public Education who served for the longest time He left political arena in 1946. He entered into Constitutional Assembly in 1961 and died at the end of that year. He was buried in Asri Cemetery in Ankara.

He published his poetry, articles and essays in the reviews Dergâh, Yarın (1923), Yeni Mecmua (1923-36) and Hayat (1926-28) beginning in 1921. He also wrote articles for the newspapers Akşam, Cumhuriyet and Dünya.


RESEARCH: Ruhiyat Elifbesi (The Spiritual Abc, 1924), Türk Edebiyat Nümuneleri (Samples of Turkish Literature, with Hıfzı Fikret and Hammamizade İhsan, 1926), Tarih-i Kadim ve Doksan Beşe Doğru (The Old History, with new letters from T. Fikret, 1928), Mevlânâ'nın Rubaileri (Rubais* of Mevlana, 1932), Goethe, Bir Dehanın Romanı (Goethe, The Novel of a Genius, 1932), Türk Edebiyatına Toplu Bir Bakış (A Comprehensive View to Turkish Literature, 1932), Askerlik ve İdare İçin Istılah Olabilecek Türkçe Sözler (Turkish Words to be Used as Military and Administration Terms 1933), Fransa Maarif Teşkilatında Müfettişler (Inspectors in Franca Education Organization, 1934), Türk Edebiyatı (Turkish Literature, 1934), Mantık (Logic, 1935), Fransa'da Kültür İşleri (Cultural Affairs in France, 1936), Bir Türk Hekimi ve Tıbba Dair Manzum Bir Eseri (A Turkish Medicine and A Work of Him in Verse, 1937), Fazıl Ahmet Aykaç (Fazıl Ahmet Aykaç, 1937), Türkiye'de Orta Öğretim (Elementary Education in Turkey, 1938), Maarifle İlgili Söylev ve Demeçler (Speeches and Statements on Education, in 2 volumes, without date), Dâvâm (My Trial, defense of a trial regarding Kenan Öner, 1947), Bilimler Felsefesi Mantık (Logic Philosophy of Sciences, 1948), Dâvâlar ve Neticesi (Trials and Results, 1950), Edebiyat Tarihimizden (From Our Literature, 1st volume: Yakup Kadri, 1957), Türkiye'de Orta Öğretim (Elementary Education in Turkey).

POETRY: Dönen Ses (Returning Voice, 1933), Sizin İçin (For You, children’s poetry, 1938), Dört Hayvan, Bir İnsan (Four Animals, One Human, 1943), Mevlânâ (Mevlana, 1952), Dinle Benden (Listen to Me, 1960), Allah Bir (God is One, 1961).

ESSAY-ARTICLE: Pazartesi Konuşmaları (Monday Conversations, 1937), İçten-Dıştan (Inside-Outside, 1938), Ebedi Şef (Eternal Chief, 1939), Hürriyete Doğru (To Liberty, 1955), İyi Vatandaş-İyi İnsan (Good Citizen – Good Human, 1956), Hürriyet Gene Hürriyet (Liberty Again Liberty, in 2 volumes: 1960-1966), Dinle Benden (Listen To Me, 1960), Allah Bir (God is One, 1960), Kültür Üzerine Düşünceler (Thoughts on Culture, 1974).

TRAVEL: Kıbrıs Mektupları (Cyprus Letters, 1957), İngiltere Mektupları (England Lettersi 1958), Geçtiğimiz Günlerden (From the Days That We Passed, 1990).


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