Yılmaz Çongar

Story Writer

28 December, 1935
Military Academy

     Short-story writer (28 December 1935, İstanbul). He completed his primary and elementary education in Bakırköy. He graduated from Kuleli Military High School (1955) and the Turkish Military Academy (1957). He received his master’s degree at the Turkish Military Academy (1971). He served as a military officer in Erzincan, Erzurum, İstanbul and Çatalca in the Turkish Armed Forces. He served with the East and Southeast European Ground Forces and at the NATO Defense College. He was a general staff colonel when he retired in 1977.  He is a member of the Literary Writers Association and the Turkish Writers Syndicate.

His first work, a short story, Acaba Kızı Nasıldı (I Wonder What Her Daughter Was Like?), was published in the review Kadıköy Aktüalite (issue: 57, September 1977). His other stories and articles have been published in reviews such as Adam Sanat, Kültür, Gerçek Sanat, Öğretmen Dünyası, Türk Dili Dergisi, Çağdaş Türk Dili, Cumhuriyet Kitap, Kıyı, Dil Dergisi, Yaba and Güzel Yazılar. He came second in 1991 and first in 1992 at the Turkish Aeronautical Foundation Short Story Awards. He won the Swedish ETOS Special Jury Award with his short story Ölü Evi (The House of the Dead) in 1992.


STORY: Anjiyo (Angier, 1990), Gökyüzüne Bir Bilet (A Ticket to the Sky, 1997).

ANTHOLOGY: Asker Yazarlarımız ve Ozanlarımız (Our Soldier Writers and Poets 1998).



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