Hilmi Yavuz

Writer, Poet

14 April, 1936
University College London Department of Philosophy

Poet and writer (14 April 1936, İstanbul). He attended Terme Primary School (1947), Siirt Elementary School (1950) and graduated from Kabataş High School for Boys (1954), and then he discontinued his studies at İstanbul University, Faculty of Law and went to the United Kingdom. He worked at the Department of Turkish Programs at the BBC (1964-69). He graduated from University College London, Department of Philosophy in 1969. He worked as a journalist in newspapers such as Vatan (1957-62), Cumhuriyet (1962-64), Milliyet and Yeni Ortam and for the Encylopedia of Meydan Larousse (1970) and Gelişim Publications (1972-78). After his return from the United Kingdom, he wrote in Cumhuriyet under the pen name Ali Hikmet. He also used the pen names Osman Şirvan, Yavuz Ömercanoğlu and İrfan Külyutmaz. He gave philosophy lectures at Boğaziçi University (1974-90) and History of Civilization lectures at Mimar Sinan University (1990). He was a culture and art advisor at the İstanbul Metropolitan Municipality between 1989 and 1994. He prepared programs like Gecenin İçinden for İstanbul Radio, Ondan Sonra (After That, 1995) for the Turkish Radio and Television Corporation’s Channel 2 and Gökkubbemiz (Our Celestial Vault, 1999-2000) for CNN-Turk. He has also been an academician at Bilkent University, Department of Turkish Language and Literature.

His first poem Sabahların Türküsü (Song of the Mornings) was published in the review Dönüm in 1952. This review was published under the management of Behçet Necatigil, a literature teacher at Kabataş High School for Boys. His other poems were published in the review Sesimiz, which was hand-written (1952-53). In this period his works of symbolism were written mostly under the influence of the “Second New” movement. With Erdal Öz, Onat Kutlar, Adnan Özyalçıner and Kemal Özer he started to publish the review a dergisi while studying in the Law Faculty together. Cemal Süreya’s famous article Folklor Şiire Düşman (Folklore is the Enemy of Poetry) was published in this review. He exhibited a level of fusion between traditional and modern views and a balance of form and meaning in later years. He developed a self-vocabulary using Islamic mysticism and especially the philosophy of theosophy. His reviews, essays and research were published in the newspapers for which he worked. In addition his poems have been published in reviews such as Yeditepe, Yeni A, Varlık, Gösteri, Yeni Ufuklar, Küçük Dergi, Şiir Sanatı, Papirüs, Milliyet Sanat and in the newspaper Zaman. He won the 1978 Yeditepe Poetry Award with his book Doğu Şiirleri (Poems of East, 1977) with which he received with great accolade. In 1987 he received the Sedat Simavi Foundation Literature Award with his book Zaman Şiirleri (Poems of Time) and in 1999, the Turkish Publishers Association - Freedom of Thought Prize with his work Modernleşme, Oryantalizm, İslâm (Modernization, Orientalism and Islam).


POETRY: Bakış Kuşu (Glancing Birds, 1969), Bedreddin Üzerine Şiirler (Poems on Bedreddin, 1975), Doğu Şiirleri (Poems of the East, 1977), Yaz Şiirleri (Poems of Summer, 1981), Gizemli Şiirler (Mysterious Poems, 1984), Zaman Şiirleri (Poems of Time, 1987), Söylem Şiirleri (Poems of Pronunciation, 1989), Hüzün ki En Çok Yakışandır Bize (Misery That Fits Us the Most, poems from his other books excluding Söylem Şiirleri and Ayna Şiirleri, 1989), Ayna Şiirleri (Poems of the Mirror), Gülün Ustası Yoktur (There Isn’t a Master of the Rose, all poems 1, 1993), Erguvan Sözler (Words of the Judas Tree, all poems 2, 1993), Çöl Şiirleri (Poems of the Desert, 1996), Akşam Şiirleri (Poems of the Night, 1998), Yolculuk Şiirleri (Poems of a Journey, 2001).

ESSAY-RESEARCH: Felsefe ve Ulusal Kültür (Philosophy and National Culture, 1975), Roman Kavramı ve Türk Romanı (The Conception of the Novel and the Turkish Novel, 1977), Felsefe Üzerine (On Philosophy, 1987), Kültür Üzerine (On Culture, 1987), Yazın Üzerine (On Literature, 1987), Denemeler Karşı Denemeler (Essays and Against Essays, 1988) Dilin Dili (The Language of the Language, 1991), İstanbul Yazıları (İstanbul Articles, 1991), Okuma Notları (Reading Notes, 1992), İstanbul’u Dinliyorum (I am Listening to İstanbul, 1993), Yazın, Dil ve Sanat (Literature, Language and Art, 1995), Ah Kadınlar (Oh Women, 1996), Osmanlılık, Kültür, Kimlik (Being Ottoman, Culture and Identity, 1997), Denemeler (Essays, 1997), Felsefe Yazıları (Philosophy Articles, 1997), İnsanlar, Mekanlar, Yolculuklar (People, Places, Journeys, 1997), İslâm ve Sivil Toplum Üzerine Yazılar (Articles on Islam and the Civil Society, 1998), Modernleşme, Oryantalizm, İslâm (Modernization, Orientalism, Islam, 1998), Geçmiş Yaz Defterleri (The Notebooks of Past Summers, essay, memoir, journal, 1998), Özel Hayat’tan Küreselleşmeye (To Globalization From Private Life, 2000), Budalalığın Keşfi (The Discovery of Stupidity, 2003), Kara Güneş (The Black Sun, 2003).

NARRATIVE: Taormina (Taormina, 1990), Fehmi K’nın Acayip Serüvenleri (The Strange Adventures of Fehmi K., 1991), Kuyu (The Well, 1994), Üç Anlatı (Three Narratives, three narratives together, 1995).

MEMOIR: Ceviz Sandıktaki Anılar (Memoirs from the Walnut Chest, 2001).

INTERVIEW: Şiir Henüz (Poetry Yet).

In addition, he translated works by Bertrand Russel and Pablo Neruda.

REFERENCE İhsan Işık / Yazarlar Sözlüğü (1990, 1998) - Türkiye Yazarlar Ansiklopedisi (2001, 2004) – Encyclopedia of Turkish Authors (2005) - Resimli ve Metin Örnekli Türkiye Edebiyatçılar ve Kültür Adamları Ansiklopedisi (2006, gen. 2. bas. 2007) - Ünlü Edebiyatçılar (Türkiye Ünlüleri Ansiklopedisi, C. 4, 2013) - Encyclopedia of Turkey’s Famous People (2013), Adnan Binyazar / Hilmi Yavuz’un Şiiri - Bir Ozan Nedir - Çöl Saatleri (Ozanlar Yazarlar Kitaplar, 1998), Ali K. Metin / İki Hilmi Yavuz Olmak Sahih Mi? (Hece dergisi, Ocak 1999), Beşir Ayvazoğlu / Nâmı Diğer “İrfan Külyutmaz”: Hilmi Yavuz (Defterimde Kırk Sûret, 3. bas., 1999, s. 111-115), Feridun Andaç / Edebiyatımızın Yol Haritası (2000), Sefa Kaplan / Kara Güneş - İlham Dil Sürçmesi midir (Hürriyet Keyif Eki, 20.7.2003), Didem Ardalı Büyükarman / Geçmişle Gelecek Arasında Kopan Bir Halkanın Birleştiricisi (Yasakmeyve, Mart-Nisan 2004).



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