Ziya Şakir

Novelist, Researcher, Writer, Poet


Novelist, researcher and writer (b. 1883, İstanbul – d. 1959). He also used the pen names Hüseyin Servet, M. Ziya, Hamid Nuri, Bahtiyar, Emekligil and Abdülmüheymin. He completed his education in Aleppo where he attended Vefa High School. He discontinued his study of law and he worked for various newspapers some of which he printed himself. He was among the members of the Committee of the Revolution and the Committee of Union and Progress. He suffered restrictions because of his writing and escaped to Egypt, and was exiled to Sinop. He voluntarily joined the Balkan War and the War of Independence. After the proclamation of Republic he worked as a manager for Tekel.

His poems were published in reviews such as İrtika, Terakki, Edep, Mecmua-i İnkilap, Musavver Fen etc. and in newspapers such as Hak, Son Posta, Yeni Gün, Tan, Son Telgraf, İkdam, Son Posta, Yeni Gün, Tan, Son Telgraf, Kitap, Vatan and in the newspapers which he edited including Ertuğrul (Bursa), Hanımlara Mahsus Gazete and Çocuklara Mahsus Gazete. In addition he wrote screenplays. His screenplay, Allah’ın Cenneti (The Paradise of God), was filmed by the famous director Muhsin Ertuğrul in 1939.


NOVEL: Allah’ın Cenneti (The Paradise of God, 1940), Aşk Hasreti (Nostalgia of Love, 1943), Macera Peşinde (Looking for Adventure, 1943), Yere Batan Cinayeti (The Basilica Cistern Murder, 1943), Şark Yıldızı Selma (Selma, The Orient Star, 1944), Kiralık Kalp (Heart for Rent, 1944), Sadullah Ağa (Sadullah Ağa of the Manor, 1944) Asrî Bakireler (Modern Virgins, 1945), Beyaz Kelebek (The White Butterfly, 1945), Bir Tangonun Romanı (The Novel of a Tango, 1945), Büyük Macera (The Great Adventure, 1945), İhanetin Cezası (The Punishment of Betrayal, 1945).

RESEARCH-COLLECTION: Kerbela’nın İntikamı: Türk Kahramanı Ebâ Müslim (The Revenge of Kerbela: Eba Müslim A Turkish Hero, 1933), Atatürk: Doğumundan, Cumhuriyetin On Beşinci Yıldönümüne Kadar (Atatürk: From His Birth to the 15th Anniversary of the Republic, 1938), Mezhepler Tarihi: Şiilik – Sünnilik – Alevilik – Kızılbaşlık Ne Demektir ve Nasıl Çıktı? (History of Sects: What does Shiite, Sunnite, Alawite and Kızılbaş Mean? 1938), İsmet İnönü’nün Hayatı (The Life of İsmet İnönü, 1939), Nasreddin Hoca’nın Hayatı ve Hikâyeleri (The Life and Tales of Nasreddin Hoca, 1939), Kerbelâ Vak’ası (The Event of Karbala, 1942), Yakın Tarihin Üç Büyük Adamı: Talat, Enver Cemal Paşalar (Three Major Personalities of Recent History: General Talat, Enver and Cemal, 1943), Hazreti Muhammed: Hususi, İçtimai ve İlmi Hayatı (The Prophet Muhammad: His Private, Social and Scientific Life, 1943), Battal Gazi (Battal Gazi, 1943), İkinci Sultan Hamid: Şahsiyeti ve Hususiyetleri (Sultan Abdulhamid II: His Personality and Characteristics, 1943), Selçuk Sarayında Ömer Hayyam’ın Hayatı ve Maceraları (The Life and Adventures of Omar Khayyam at the Seljukian Palace, 1943), Bektaşi Nefes ve Mersiyeleri (Bektaşi Sayings and Elegies, 1943), Sultan Hamid ve Mikado (Sultan Hamid and the Mikado, 1943), Sultan Hamid’in Son Günleri (The Last Days of Sultan Hamid, 1943), Yarım Asır Evvel İdare Edenler (The Ones Who Administered Us Half a Century Ago, 1943), Timurlenk ve Üç Boz Atlı (Timurlenk and the Three Gray Horseman, 1943), 1914 Cihan Harbine Nasıl Girdik (How Did We Join World War 1914, 1943), 1914-1918 Cihan Harbini Nasıl İdare Ettik (How Did We Manage in World War 1914-1918, 1944), Osmanlı Saraylarında Cinci Hoca (The Demon Preacher in the Ottoman Palaces, 1944), Davut ile Bat Şeva (David and Bathsheba, 1944), Osmanlı İmparatorluğunda Maktul Vezirler (Murdered Viziers in the Ottoman Empire, 1944), Tarihten Korkmayanlar (Ones Who Don’t Fear History, 1944), Yusuf ile Züleyha (Yusuf and Züleyha, 1944), Sultan Hamid’in Gizli Siyaseti (The Secret Policy of Sultan Hamid, 1945), Nuri Demirağ Kimdir? (Who is Nuri Demirağ, 1947), Hz. Ali ve Öğütleri (The Esteemed Ali and His Advice, 1950), Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nun İlk Türk Şeyhülİslâmı Molla Fenâri (Molla Fenâri, the First Turkish Grand Mufti of the Ottoman Empire, 1951), Celâl Bayar: Hayatı ve Eserleri (Celal Bayar: His Life and Works, 1952), Büyük Türk Kahramanı Seyyid Battal Gazi’nin Efsanevi Maceraları (The Legendary Adventures of the Great Turkish Hero Seyyid Battal Gazi, 1953), Türkiye Cumhurbaşkanı Celâl Bayar’ın Yunanistan Seyahat Hatıraları (The Memoirs of Turkish President Celal Bayar’s Travel to Greece, 1953), Türkiye Cumhurbaşkanı Celâl Bayar’ın Yugoslavya Seyahat Hatıraları (The Memoirs of Turkish President Celal Bayar’s Travel to Yugoslavia, 1953), Büyük Türk İnkilabı (The Great Turkish Revolution, 1956), Tanzimat Devrinden Sonra Osmanlı Nizam Ordusu Tarihi (The History of the Ottoman Regular Army After the Tanzimat Era, 1957), Mahmut Şevket Paşa (Mahmut Şevket Paşa, 1957), Hazreti Hatice (Esteemed Hatice, 1958), Hazreti Fatıma (Esteemed Fatima), Hazreti Hamza (The Esteemed Hamza), Haliç ve Eyüp Sultan (The Golden Horn and Eyüp Sultan, 1959).


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