Cengiz Aytmatov

Roman Yazarı, Öykü Yazarı

12 Aralık, 1928
10 Haziran, 2008
Kyrgyzstan Institute of Agriculture
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Cengiz Törekuloviç Aytmatov

Storywriter and novelist (b. 12 December 1928, Bishkek / Frunze / Kyrgyzstan - d. 10 June 2008). His real name is Cengiz Törekuloviç Aytmatov. It is known that his father Törekul Aytmatov was one of the victims of the terror of Stalin in 1937. His childhood passed in the years that the Second World War destroyed Soviet Socialist Republican Unity and he lived the pain of the war deeply. After the war, he entered Cambul Technical School in Kazakhstan (1946). After this school he attended Kyrgyzstan Institute of Agriculture. During his studentship, one of his stories, that he wrote in Kyrgyz Turkish was translated into Russian and was published in Pravda in 1952. One year later he graduated from Institute of Agriculture and began working as an animal specialist. Therefore, he had the chance to get acquainted with his country and his people. The clues about the nature-human relationship, which he became aware of during the childhood years  he spent shepherding,  were enriched at the time of this mission and took their place in his works in time in a lively manner.

Cengiz Aymatov, who had the opportunity to be a trainee in Gorky Institute of  Literature between years of 1956-58 continued his rise in spite of the fact that he carried the label of “son of the traitor”. The same year he started Gorky Institute he also entered Moscow University Faculty of Literature. At the time of Khrushchev's anti-Stalinist propaganda period he was accepted to Soviet Writers Association and Soviet Communist Party (1959).This writer whose success was admired by everyone successively won the Lenin Prize of Literature with his works “İlk Öğretmen” (First Teacher), Cemile, “Deve Gözü” (Eye of the Camel), Selvi Boylum Al Yazmalım (My Tall Darling with Red Scarf). Aytmatov, who was deemed worthy of the Big Soviet Award in 1968 and who was to win this award for a second time in 1983, had a worldwide fame starting fromthe end of 1950s. Complete Works of Aytmatov series were published by Ötüken Publications.


NOVEL - SHORT STORY: Yüzyüze (Face to Face, 1957), Cemile (1958), Selvi Boylum Al Yazmalım (My Tall Darling with Red Scarf, 1960), İlk Öğretmen (First  Teacher, 1961), Deve Gözü (Eye of the Camel,1961), Toprak Ana (Mother Earth, 1962), Al Elma (Red Apple, 1964), Gülsarı (Roseyellow,1962), Beyaz Gemi (The White Ship,1970), Askerin Oğlu (Son of the Soldier, 1971), Erken Gelen Turnalar (Early Coming Cranes, 1975), Deniz Kıyısında Koşan Ala Köpek (The Speckled Dog Running Along the Coast, 1977), Gün Uzar Yüzyıl Olur (The Day Grows into a Century, 1980), Öğretmen Duyşen (Teacher Duyşen, 2005).


Çocukluğum (My Childhood, 2005).


Şafak Sancısı (Pain of Dawn, with Muhtar Şahanov, 2005).

     New editions of his books have begun to be published by Da Publications since 2005. 

      REFERENCE: Ali İhsan Kolcu / Millî Romantizm Açısından Cengiz Aytmatov (1997), Beşir Ayvazoğlu / Tolomış Olcayev, Kar Leoparının Soyu ve Cengiz Aytmatov (Defterimde Kırk Sûret, 3. bas. 1999, s. 208-212), Mehmet Nuri Yardım / Romancılar Konuşuyor (2000; Dünyaca Ünlü Kırgız Romancı Cengiz Aytmatov: Yazarlık Takdir İşi, s. 103-108), Ali İhsan Kolcu / Bozkırdaki Bilge (2003), Aytmatov: Ortak Türk dilini geliştirmeliyiz (Zaman, 19.9.2004), Resimli ve Metin Örnekli Türkiye Edebiyatçılar ve Kültür Adamları Ansiklopedisi (2006, gen. 2. bas. 2007) - Ünlü Edebiyatçılar (Türkiye Ünlüleri Ansiklopedisi, C. 4, 2013) - Encyclopedia of Turkey’s Famous People (2013). 


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