Cevat Memduh Altar


Ankara University Languages History and Geography Faculty

Writer (B. 1902, Istanbul- D. 1995). He graduated from Ankara University Languages, History and Geography Faculty. He studied music and art history in Germany. When he returned, he worked as a music theories teacher in Ankara Music Teacher School during its first years. He spent a great effort to turn this school into State Conservatory. He worked as Radio Office Manager in Press and Broadcasting General Directorate, as general manager in State Theatres (1934-43), as general manager of Fine Arts.

C. Memduh Altar was known with his articles about music and art history, he tried to introduce Western composers, their lives and works and make a good impression and sympathy on people about Western music.


Sanat Yolcuları, Goethe ve Sanat, Armoni, Kontrpuan, Opera Tarihi (4 volumes, 2001).

REFERENCE: Afşin Oktay - Kemal Bağlum / Biyografiler Ansiklopedisi (1959), Opera Tarihi (Kitap Rehberi, December 2001).


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