Playwright (b. İstanbul, 1928). He left his studies at İstanbul’s Robert College and went to America to complete his remaining education. He traveled extensively by boat for two years and after coming back home, he did several jobs. He began to write short stories in 1958 and then wrote novels and plays.

His first three plays were performed at the Ankara State Theatre. With his radio play İşlerde Bozukluk (Problems at Work), he received the first award at the Turkish Radio and Television Corporation Art Awards Competition in 1966. With Beberuhiler (Dwarfs) he received an honorable mention and with his play Kuş (The Bird) he received the Children’s Play Achievement Award at the Turkish Radio and Television Corporation Art Awards Competition in 1970.


NOVEL: Siyamlı İkizler (Siamese Twins, published in Yeni İstanbul newspaper), Sapıklar (Perversions, 1960).

PLAY: Bal Sineği (Honey Fly, 1965), Aya Bir Yolcu (A Traveler to the Moon, 1966), Uçamayan Kuşlar Tutulur (The Birds that Cannot Fly are Caught, 1973), Güneşi Parlatanların Gölgesinde (Under the Shadow of Those Who Polish the Sun, 1979).

His radio and TV plays have not been published.


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