H. Fethi Gözler

Educator, Writer

04 January, 1919
01 December, 1996
Gazi Institute of Education (Gazi University Faculty of Education)
Other Names
Hamit Fethi Gözler, Hamidoğlu A. Fethi, H. Fethi Hersekli, Sabit Suvardan...

Educator-writer (b. 4 January 1919, İzmir - d. 1 December 1996, Ankara). His descent reached to Hamitoğulları who had governed around Eğridir, Isparta, Burdur between the years 1300-1423. He attended primary and secondary schools in Bursa and graduated from Balıkesir Teacher Training School and Ankara Gazi Institute of Education (1946). He worked as Turkish and literature teacher in Hopa, Silvan, Kırıkhan, Keşan, Ankara and retired by his request in 1974.

He began his literary life in the review Orkun in 1951 by his short stories. His works were published in the reviews Mefkûre, Türkeli, Aras, Oğuz, Gurbet, Türk Dünyası, Türk Yurdu, Kopuz, Damla, Ocak, Defne, Çaba, Türk Kültürü, Ötüken, Kemalist Ülkü, Millî Eğitim, Küçük Dergi, Erciyes, Töre, Millî Kültür, Karınca, Çağrı. He was renowed with his studies in the field of history of literature.


RESEARCH-STUDY: Namık Kemal Ruhu (Soul of Namık Kemal, 1953), Avrupa'da ve Bizde Edebiyat Akımları 1-2-3 (Literary Movements in Europe and Turkey I-II-III, 1976), Ömer Seyfettin (Ömer Seyfettin, 1976), Örnekli ve Uygulamalı Hece Vezni ve Hecenin Beş Şairi (Syllable Meter with Examples and Applications and 5 Poets of Syllable Meter, 1980), Yunus'tan Bugüne Türk Şiiri (Turkish Poetry from Yunus till Today, 1981), Atatürk İnkılapları (Revolutions of Atatürk, 1985), Türk Atasözleri Üzerine Bir Araştırma (A Research on Turkish Proverbs, 1985), Ziya Paşa'nın Terci-i Bend'i ile Terkib-i Bend'i Üzerine Düşünceler (Thoughts on Terci-i Bend (long poem with a recurrent couplet at the end of each stanza) and Terkib-i Bend (long poem each stanza of which is followed by a refrain couplet , these couplets rhyming among themselves, 1987), Halk Edebiyatında Milliyet Unsurları (National Factors in Folk Literature).

COLLECTION-ANTHOLOGY-DICTIONARY: Atasözleri ve Seçilmiş Güzel Sözler (Proverbs and Selected Sympathetic Words, 1979), Açıklamalı Türk Atasözleri Sözlüğü (Annotated Dictionary of Turkish Proverbs, with Dr. M. Ziya, 1982), Büyük Deyimler Sözlüğü (Grand Dictionary of Idioms, 1983), Millî Hikâyeler Antolojisi (Anthology of National Short Stories, 1988), Edebiyatımızdaki Dinî, Tasavvufî ve Hikmetli Manzum Sözlerinden  Bir Demet (A Bouquet of Religious, Sufist and Oracular Poems, 1989), Türkçe Deyimler / Türkçe ve Edebiyat Terimleri Sözlüğü (Turkish Idioms / Dictionary of Turkish and Literature Terms, 1991).

In addition, he has simplifications. 



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