Muzaffer Günay

Novelist, Writer

Marmara University Faculty of Theology

Novelist (b. January 1956, Kardeşler (Sevdeş) village /  Ulubey / Ordu). He attended primary school in his village (1966), Ordu İmam Hatip High School (1975) and graduated from Marmara University, Faculty of Theology (1982). He served as an imam in his village for a while (1977). From 1982 he worked as a teacher in secondary schools in Kırıkkale and Ordu, he also served as the Director of National Education in Ordu.

His first article “Zıtların Dengesinde Rahmet ve Gazap” (Mercy and Wrath in the Balance of Contrast) appeared in the newspaper Millî Gazete in 1979. Other articles of his were published in the newspapers and magazines such as Yeni Devir (1981-82), İl (1983), Millî Gazete (1983), Yeni Hamle (1987), Zaman (1987), Türkiye (1987-88), Yazar Vahdet (1988), 19 Mayıs Haber (1991), Ordulular Dergisi (1993). He received the Radio Play Award at a competition held by Türkiye Newspaper Radio and Television Channel. He is a member of the Writers Union of Turkey.


NOVEL: Arzunun Kıskacında (In the Claws of Desire, 1990), Sancılı Bekleyiş 1 (The Painful Waiting 1, 1991), Sancılı Bekleyiş 2 (The Painful Waiting 2, 1992), Bu Aşk Başka (This Love Is Different, 1992), Oy Karadeniz (Oh, Black Sea, 1995), Kardelenler Üşümez (Snowdrops Do Not Feel Cold, 2000).

SELECTION: Unutulmaz Aşk Hikâyeleri (Unforgettable Love Stories, 2002).

RESEARCH-STUDY: Hurafeler ve Batıl İnançlar (Unbased Beliefs and Superstitions, 2002), Peygamberimizin Hayatı (The Life of Our Prophet, 2003).



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