Ali Erkan Kavaklı

Novelist, Writer

10 April, 1952
İstanbul University Faculty of Literature

Novelist (b. 10 April 1952, Kavak village / Seydişehir / Konya). He attended primary school in his village, secondary and high schools in Konya and graduated from, İstanbul University, Faculty of Literature (1976). He worked as a literature teacher in Hatay (1976-77), Divriği (1979), Suşehri (1979-80), Çanakkale (1980-81), Sivas (1981), İstanbul (1981-88) and Germany (1988-94). After returning home, he continued his teaching in İstanbul. He speaks German and Arabic.

His first short story is published in the newspaper Yeni Asya (1974). His other works were published in the reviews and newspapers Yeni Asya, Akit, Türkiye, Türk Edebiyatı, Sur, Zafer, Yeni Düşünce. He collected the first prize at the Yeni Asya Newspaper Article Competition with his article Sacayağının Ayakları (The Peddlers of the Trivet) in 1977, the award of the Yeni Düşünce review with his short story Yemin (Oath) in 1982, the second prize in the European Writers Composition Competition in 1993, the Esra Film Story Competition Jury Special Prize with his story Avrupalı Mevlevî (European Mevlevi) in 1997 and the award of the Kültür Dünyası Short Story Compitition with his story Tante Ruth (Aunt Ruth) in 1988. His novel İntikam (Revenge) was deemed worthy of an award in the Tuzla Municipality Novel Competition in 1999. He directed the culture and art pages of the newspaper Yeni Asya for a while. Some of his novels have been serialized in the newspapers Türkiye and Akit. He writes weekly for Akit newspaper. He is a member of Writers Union of Turkey and Unity Foundation.


SHORT STORY: Gönülleri Fethedenler (The Ones Who Won the Hearts, 1982), Yemin (Oath, 1988), Avrupalı Mevlevî (European Mevlevi, 2003).

NOVEL: Gülü Koklayamadım (I Could Not Smell the Rose, 1988), Kader Kapımı Çaldı (Destiny Knocked on my Door, 1990), Gerçeği Arayan Alman Doktor (German Doctor Looking for the Truth, 1993), Gecenin Siyah Kalbi (The Black Heart of the Night, 1994), Umudun Rengi Soldu (The Color of Hope Has Faded, 1994), İnsanlık Ayağa Kalk (Humanity, Stand up, 1995), Başkaldırıyorum (I am Revolting, 1995), Hicran (Separation, 1996), Mafya Kıskacında Vurgun (Deceit under the Tyranny of the Mafia, 1997), İtiraf Ediyorum (I am Confessing, 1998), İntikam (Revenge, 2000), Hançer Saplı Yüreğimde (A Dagger Thrust in My Heart, 2001), İhtilal Yapan Adam ve Sandra (The Man Making the Revolution and Sandra, 1996), Çığlık (Scream, 2005).

STUDY-RESEARCH: Başarıya Götüren Yol (Door to Success, 2001), Öğretmeni Başarıya Götüren Yol (Ways that Bring the Teacher Success, 2002), Yüz Yılın Pedagojik Yanlışı Karma Eğitim (Co-education, the Pedagogic Mistake of the Century, 2002), İslam'a Gönül Verenler (The Ones Who Give Their Hearts to Islam, 2002), Derdimi Seviyorum (I Love My Trouble, 5 volumes, in collaboration with H. İsmail ve R. Ş. Apuhan, 1996).

ANTOLOGY: Sevdalı Şiirler (Poems in Love, 1996), Güldeste (Anthology of Poems, 2001).

In addition, he has prepared textbooks. 

REFERENCE: Ebubekir Akkaymak / Gülü Koklayamadım (Türkiye, 28.10.1988), İhsan Işık / Yazarlar Sözlüğü (1990, 1998) - Türkiye Yazarlar Ansiklopedisi (2001, 2004) – Encyclopedia of Turkish Authors (2005) - Resimli ve Metin Örnekli Türkiye Edebiyatçılar ve Kültür Adamları Ansiklopedisi (2006, gen. 2. bas. 2007) - Ünlü Edebiyatçılar (Türkiye Ünlüleri Ansiklopedisi, C. 4, 2013) - Encyclopedia of Turkey’s Famous People (2013), Mustafa Çelik / Postmodern Romancı A. E. Kavaklı ile Söyleşi (Yeni Dünya, Mayıs 1996), Ayla Agabegüm / Başkaldırıyorum (Türk Edebiyatı, Nisan l996), Mehmet Nuri Yardım / Romancılar Konuşuyor (s. 245-250, 2000), Vehbi Vakkasoğlu / Kavaklı’nın Yeni Romanı İntikam (Moral, Mart 2000), Mustafa Duran (Nida, Ocak-Şubat 2004).



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