Mehmet Behçet Yazar

Writer, Poet

Istanbul University Faculty of Law

Poet and writer (B. 1890, Halep - D. 2 Jluy 1980, Istanbul). After he completed his primary school in Halep, he completed Selanik High School (1906) and Istanbul Law School (1910). He worked as literature teacher in Beirut and Kastamonu Sultanis, as manager of Press and Publishing Directorate (1922), as Inspector in Maarif Vekaleti Umumi (1923). He settled in Istanbul and worked as literature teacher in Uskudar High School for Girls (1927), Kabataş High School for Boys (1929) and Haydarpaşa High Schools. He got retired because of his sickness in 1951.

He processed personal emotions in his poems which he wrote with a strong technique and published in Servet-i Fünûn magazine. After this group was fell apart, he published his poems Şair (1918-19) and Nedim (1919) magazines.


POETRY: Erganun (1911), Buhurdan (prosaic poetry, 1925), Yumak (1938).

OTHER WORKS: Beyrut Vilayeti I- Cenub Kısmı (1333-1335), Beyrut Vilayeti II- Şimal Kısmı (1333-1335), Kastamonu Âsâr’ı Kadimesi (1341), Genç Şairlerimiz ve Eserleri (March 6, The text which was given lecture in 1936 in Kadıköy, 1937), Genç Romancılarımız ve Eserleri (1937), Edebiyatçılarımız ve Türk Edebiyatı (1938), Edebiyatçılarımızı Tanıyalım - Edebiyatçılar Alemi (97 Şair ve yazar Yedi Gün’de Tefrika; Edebiyatçılar Âlemi: called with Edebiyatımızın Unutulan Simaları, Prepared by Mustafa Everdi, 1999).

CHILDEREN’S BOOK: Orhan’ın Deniz Eğlenceleri (1926), Orhan ile Gümüş (1927), Orhan’ın Hayvanlar Bahçesi (1927), Orhan’ın Teyyareciliği (1931).

REFERENCE: Kenan Akyüz / Batı Tesirinde Türk Şiiri Antolojisi (1985), İbnülemin Mahmud Kemal İnal / Son Asır Türk Şairleri (v. I, 1999), İhsan Işık / Resimli ve Metin Örnekli Türkiye Edebiyatçılar ve Kültür Adamları Ansiklopedisi (The 2nd edition, 2009).


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