Recep Şükrü Apuhan

Educator, Writer

İstanbul Atatürk Institute of Education

Writer (b. 1958, Çanakkale). He attended the Çanakkale Primary Teacher School for Boys (1976) and graduated from İstanbul Atatürk Institute of Education (1980). He worked as a teacher and manager at primary and secondary schools (1976- 89). His articles were published in the reviews and newspapers Hergün, Millet (1978-80), Hak Yolunda Zafer (1979-80), Doğuş (1986) and Yeniden Diriliş (1986-87).


Hikâyeler (Short Stories, 1984), Öğrenci Velisinin El Kitabı (The Guide Book of Parents of Students, 1985), İhanetin Türküsü (The Song of Treason, 1986), Senin İçin Ağlayacağım (I Will Cry for You, 1987), Derdimi Seviyorum I (I Like My Sorrow I, with Hekimoğlu İsmail and Erkan Kavaklı, 1988), Derdimi Seviyorum II  (I Like My Sorrow II, 1988), Batının Darağacında İsyan (Uprising on the Gallows of West, 1989), Ruhumda Darp İzi Var (There are Scars in my Spirit, 1990), Demokratik Ateş Yalama Toplantısı (The Meeting to Lick the Flames of Democracy, 1992), Sevmeye Geç Kalmadın (You Are Not Too Late to Love, essays, 2002), Etkili Öğrenmenin Temel Davranışları (The Basic Behaviors to Effective Learning, 2002).




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