Emiroğlu Ahmed Lisanüddin


Mülkiye Mektebi (School of Political Sciences)

Educator (B. 1871, Istanbul – D. May 1904, Istanbul). After completing his high school education in Mercan High School, he graduated from Mülkiye School (1889). He worked at Cemiyet-i Rüsûmiye for a while. He taught Ottoman Literature and Moral Knowledge lectures in Mercan and Vefa high schools. His Turkish grammar Kavâid-i Lisân-ı Osmanî was published in 1902.

REFERENCE: Mücellidoğlu Ali Çankaya / Yeni Mülkiye Tarihi ve Mülkiyeliler (vol. III, 1968), İhsan Işık (TEKAA, 2009). 


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