Nevres Abdürrezzak

Writer, Poet

Other Names
Nevres-i Kadim

Poet and writer (b.? Kerkük – d. 1762, Bursa). He was known as Nevres-i Kadim in order not to be confused with Osman Nevres. He went on the campaign of Tebriz with Hekimoğlu Ali Paşa whose clerk he was at the Palace (1731). After returning he worked as a teacher at Madrasah (Muslim Theology School) (1734). He was the Kadi (judge) of Bosna, Tokat. He was frequently dismissed from his job because of his satires and he lived as an exile in Resmo (1749-55) and Bursa (1755-57). When he was the Kadi of Kütahya, he was dismissed and he died in Bursa when he was an exile (1758). Nevres, who was also a master of prose and produced works in literature, history and theosophy, took his place among the great poets of divan* literature, such as Namık Kemal, and it was acknowledged that he influenced many poets who came after him.


Türkçe Divan (Turkish Divan*), Farsça Divan (Persian Divan*), Arapça Divan (Arabic Divan*), Gazve-i Bedr (Battle of Bedir, his poem recounting the Battle of Bedir). Vakayi-i Tebriz (Events Surrounding Tebriz, recounting Hekimoğlu Ali Paşa’s Tebriz Campaign), Tarihi Cihangir Şah (Life of Shah Cihangir, translation of Cihangirnâme -Books of Cihangir), Lugaz Risalesi (Lugaz Booklet, Turkish and Persian dictionary), Münşeat (Compositions, 59 letters mostly written when he was an exile), Mebaliğü’l-Hikem (Collection of Philosophical Writings, translations and commentaries on selections from the work Nesayih (Advice) by Theologian Abdülvahhabü’l-Ensari, 1886).



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