Zeynep Bodur Okyay

Zeynep Bodur Okyay

November 7, 1964
Istanbul, Turkey
Istanbul Technical University Department of Management Engineering

Business-woman. She was born on the 7th of November 1964 in Istanbul. She is the daughter of the famous businessman Dr. H. İbrahim Bodur. After graduating from Italian High School in 1984-85 academic period, she graduated from Department of Management Engineering of Istanbul Technical University in 1989. She joined a management trainee graduate program in Harvard University between 1990 and 92.

Upon returning to Turkey she worked at different positions for Kale Corporate Group starting from 1993. She first undertook responsibilities in introduction and advertisement departments. Later she worked in production units of Kalebodur and Çanakkale Ceramic Factories Inc. Then she worked in national and international sales and marketing companies within Kale Corporate Group, Marketing Group Presidency. After some time she was assigned to Executive Boards Membership and Chairwomanship of companies within Kale Group. Zeynep Bodur Okyay was appointed Group President of Ceramics in 1997. Between 2004 and 07 she served as Kale Corporate Group, Vice Chairwoman of Executive Boards and Chief Executive Officer. Since the 27th of July 2007 she has been Chairwoman of Kale Group.

Aside from her intensive business life, Okyay also works actively in executive boards of numerous associations, foundations and professional chambers. She is currently Vice Chairwoman of Executive Board of Economic Development Foundation (İKV), Member of Turkish Industrialists’ and Businessmen’s Association (TÜSİAD), Member of Turkish Young Businessmen’s Association (TÜGİAD), Member of Executive Board of Istanbul Chamber of Industry and Commerce (İSO), Member of Executive Board of Ceramic Coating Materials’ Union (SERKAP), Chairwoman of Foreign Economic Relations (DEİK) Turkish-Italian Business Council.

Bodur is one of the founders of Harvard Alumni Association. With her works she contributed to the establishment of Turkish chair in Harvard University. She speaks Italian and English. In 2006 she was awarded with Order of Merit of Grand National Assembly of Turkey (TBMM) which is granted to people who made great service to their country in national and international levels and who contributed to Turkey’s introduction, people’s welfare, education, happiness and social development. She was also awarded with “Cavaliere di  Lavoro” order by Italian State thanks to her services and contributions to Turkish-Italian business relations. Thanks to her contributions to relations between Turkey and European Union countries, she was granted in 2010 “Franco Nobili Prize” which is given within “Turkey in Europe”. 

Zeynep Okyay is married with Osman Okyay, Head of Technical and Chemical Teams of Kale Corporate Group and mother of a son. Okyay realized numerous activities within Kale Group contributing to Turkey’s scientific, cultural and artistic life. Schools and some education centers she built were given her name.