Şeker Aslan
Poet (b. 10 October 1935, Boladi village / Lankaran / Azarbaijan). He attended primary school in Lankaran. He worked as a movie distributor at the same city. He graduated from Maksim Gorki Institute, Department of Poetry. He worked as a redactor at Leninci (Pevious name: Sosyalist Subropikası) newspaper. He was elected as a deputy from the city that he had been in. he began to poem in 1953.
Bahar Yağışı (Spring Fall, 1964), Üreyimi Açıram (I Open My Heart, 1967), Sene Nağme Deyirem (I Sing for You, 1967), Mehebbet Faslı (Chapter of Love, 1973), Sevgi Günü (Day of Love, 1980), Seni Sevdiyim Günler (The Days that I Felt in Love with You, 1980), Bu Günlerden İz Galacak (Tracks Will Remain from These Days, 1992), Döy Menim Gapımı (Toll My Door, 1986).
REFERENCE: Zeynelâbidin Makas / Çağdaş Azerbaycan Şiiri Antolojisi (1992), İhsan Işık / Resimli ve Metin Örnekli Türkiye Edebiyatçılar ve Kültür Adamları Ansiklopedisi (2. bas. 2009).