Sadri Maksudi Arsal

Sadri Maksudi Arsal

July 23, 1878
Kazan’, Russia
February 20, 1957
Ankara, Turkey
Madrasah Muslim Theology School

Linguist and historian (b. 23 July 1878, Taşsu / Kazan / Tatarstan - d. 20 February1957, Ankara). After graduating from the Madrasah Muslim Theology School and teacher training school in Kazan, he went to Paris to be educated in law, literature and sociology (1906). On returning to Russia, he was elected as the Kazan deputy to the former Russian parliament. After the October Revolution in 1917, he joined the struggle of the Muslim Turks for autonomy and he became the President of the İdil-Ural State. One year after the repartition of the state, he fled to Finland. Then he went to France and gave lectures on Central Asian Turkish History at the Sorbonne University (1923-25).

On being invited by the government in Ankara, he came to Turkey and became a citizen of the Republic of Turkey. During the single party period, he was elected the Şebinkarahisar parliamentary deputy in 1931, the Giresun parliamentary deputy in 1935, and the Ankara parliamentary deputy for the Democratic Party in 1950. As a professor at Ankara and İstanbul Universities he gave lectures on law, history and philosophy. The preface of his book, Türk Dili İçin (For the Turkish Language), was written by Atatürk. But when Arsal argued that the words “Sümerbank” “Bay” (Mr), “Bayan” (Mrs) were wrong, he fell out of favor.


TRAVEL LITERATURE: Türk Dili İçin (For the Turkish Language, 1930), İskitler- Sakalar (Iskits- Sakas, peoples of Uzbekistan, 1934), Orta Asya Türk Devletleri (Central Asian Turkish States, 1934), Hukukun Umumi Esasları (General Principles of Law, 1937), İngiliz Amme Hukukunun İnkişaf Safhaları (Development Period of English Public Law, 1940), Teokratik Devlet ve Laik Devlet (Theocratic State and Secular State, a separate edition from the first volume of the collaborative work called Tanzimat*-Ottoman Reformation, 1940), Hukuk Tarihi Dersleri (Lessons of the History of Law, 1942), Umumi Hukuk Tarihi (General Law History, 1942), Hukuk Felsefesi (Law Philosophy, 1946), Türk Tarihi ve Hukuku (Turkish History and Law, 1947), Kutadgu Bilig (Wisdom of Royal Glory, 1947), Milliyet Duygusunun Sosyolojik Esasları (Sociological Principles of the Feeling of Nationality, 1955).

 REFERENCE:  İhsan Işık / Yazarlar Sözlüğü (1990, 1998) - Türkiye Yazarlar Ansiklopedisi (2001, 2004) – Encyclopedia of Turkish Authors (2005) - Resimli ve Metin Örnekli Türkiye Edebiyatçılar ve Kültür Adamları Ansiklopedisi (2006, gen. 2. bas. 2007), Turgut Akpınar / TDV İslâm Ansiklopedisi (c. 3, 1991), Adile Ayda / Sadri Maksudi Arsal (1991), Ertuğrul Yaman / Türkiye’deki Türk Dünyası (A. K. Bolaç – A. Esatoğlu ile, 1998), Şükran Kurdakul / Şairler ve Yazarlar Sözlüğü (gen. 6. bas. 1999), Recep Şükrü Apuhan / Gideceği Yolu Kendisi Yapan Bir Yolcu: Sadri Maksudi (Genç Alperen dergisi, sayı: 1, Ocak-Şubat 2000), TBMM Albümü 1920-2010 (1. cilt, 2010), Sadri Maksudi Arsal'dan Yazarlara Dil Öğütleri (, 06.03.2020).