Lawyer-writer. She was born in Istanbul in 1935. She graduated from Istanbul University Faculty of Law in 1959, and then she received her Ph.D. from same faculty. She received her master degree from Columbia University Comprising Law field in 1964. She received her associate professor degree in 1973 and professor degree in 1980. She worked as head of Public Administration Department in Middle Eastern Technical University, as dean of Administrative Sciences Faculty of METU, as vice dean in Political Sciences Faculty (PSF) in Ankara University. She was suspended from university according to opposition to 1402 numbered law after September 12. After seven years, she returned to university with the State Council’s decision. She was a member of European Council against Racism and Intolerance and member of the commission which was investigating the human rights violations in Bosnia and Herzegovina. She was chosen as the international judge of Bosnia and Herzegovina Human Rights Court by European Council. She continued with her studies as a lecturer in Istanbul Bilgi University Faculty of Law.
Faşizm (with Murat Sarıca, 1962), 1961 Anayasası (1963), Türk Hukuk Bibliyografyası (1967), Robert Owen (1970), Yurttaşlık (Vatandaşlık) Hukuku (1982), Dernek ve Vakıf Kurma Özgürlüğü (1991), Yasa Çatışması Hukuku Dersleri (1998), Yasaların Uluslararası Düzeyde Çatışması, Kanunlar İhtilafı (with Esra Dardağan, 2001), Hukuka Giriş (with Aydın Aybay, 2003), Sosyalizmin Öncülerinden Robert Owen – Yaşamı – Eylemi - Öğretisi (2005), Yabancılar Hukuku (2005).
REFERENCE: İhsan Işık (TEKAA, 2009).