Poet and author ( b. 22 February 1950 Erzincan – d. 23 February 2010, Ankara). He used Abdullah Çınar ,Yunus Taner ,M. Refik Selimoğlu ,Fatİh Emre pen names in his works. He completed Erzurum Kurtuluş Primary School ,Merkez Secondary School and Erzincan High School. He graduated from Erzurum Atatürk University ,Faculty of Literature ,Turkish Language and Literature Department (1972) He worked as publishing manager in Hürsöz Newspaper (1972)
After he had worked as literature teacher in various high schools ,a Turkish Language Lecturer at Ankara Police Academy (1990-98) Deputy Adviser in the Turkish Grand National Assembly (1997) he retired.in 1998.Later on he worked as ateacher and director in private schools.He improved himself on copper hand made art who started in secondary school years. He was also interested in his lycce and faculty years.He held his first exhibition in 1972 (Turkish And Islam Decoration By Handmade On Copper) in Erzurum Folk Training Centre
He has held exhibitions both home and abroad. He has assisted in Traditional Coppermade Art.He published his poems and other works in various rewiews He used Salihoğlu as a pen name in his rubais. He has prepared programmes for radios Hedef, Birlik and Arifan in Ankara. He received the poetry award with his poem ‘Anneciğim’ My Poor Mummy’ in the competition held by Arkın Publishing House. He also was given a mansion with his poem ‘Sevginin Gülleri’ Flowers of Love by Gökyüzü Publications in 1987.He also won prizes with his poem ‘Hicret’The Hegira In Poem Praising Competition held by Trabzon Municipality. ( 1996) a mansion in Rose Poems Competition by Tuzla Municipality (1998) an d Children Songs Competition held by Turkey Department of Religious Affairs (1999) He is one of the founders of The Children Literature Work Owners And Artists.
POEM: Muştu(1988) Good News,Sıla Türküsü –Erzincan ‘da Bir Kuş Var.(1998) Folksong Of Homeplace-There’s A Bird In Erzincan.
CHILDREN POETRY: Küçük Çeşmenin Tatlı Suyu(2000) Delicious Water Of Small Fountain,Sevginin Gülleri (2002) Roses Of Love
RESEARCH: Bütün Yönleriyle Erzincan (M. Buyruk ve Halil Özdemir ile 1982) Erzincan In All Topics, Osmanlı Padişahlarının Tuğraları (2000) Signatures of The Ottoman Sultans
ANTHOLOGY-ENCYCLOPEDIA :Günümüz Yazarlarından Seçme Hikayeler(B Coşkun /S. Er ile,1987),Selected Stories of Today’s Authors, Mehmet Akif ve Gençlik (Abdullah Çınar adıyla,1987 ) Mehmet Akif And Youth ( With the pen name Abdullah Çınar,1987),Günümüz Şairlerinden En Güzel Çocuk Şiirleri( 1995) The Best Children Poemsof Today’s Poets,Gençlik Kültür Ansiklopedisi ( 2 cilt.S.Er /E.Kücet ile) Culture Encyclopedia of Youth (2 with S.Er /E.Kücet),Bir Demet Şiir (Çocuklar İçin Küçük Seçki,2001) A Bunch of Poems ( A Few Selections For Children),Şiir Defteri (2003) Note-book of Poems,Öykü Yağmuru (2004) Story Rain, Öykü Sepeti(2004) Story Basket.
REFERENCE: Rıfkı Kaymaz ile Bir Konuşma (Yeni Devir, 1.11.1981), Mehmet T. Ümit / Yeni Devir (17.11.1983 - 21.7.1983), Mustafa Arafatoğlu / Rıfkı Kaymaz’dan Bir Muştu Daha (Yeni Devir, 4.11.1983), Serhan Güzel / Sanatçıyla Sohbet (Millî Gazete, 18.3.1983), Mustafa Ruhi Şirin / Çocuklarla Elele Geleceğe Yürümek (Zaman, 9.6.1990), İhsan Işık / Yazarlar Sözlüğü (1990, 1998) - Türkiye Yazarlar Ansiklopedisi (2001, 2004) – Encyclopedia of Turkish Authors (2005) - Resimli ve Metin Örnekli Türkiye Edebiyatçılar ve Kültür Adamları Ansiklopedisi (2007, 2009), Hekimoğlu İsmail / Bir Serginin Ardından (Zaman, 19.9.1990), B. Uğur Akdere / Rıfkı Kaymaz’ın Hayatı-Sanatı-Eserleri ve Çocuk Edebiyatındaki Yeri (lisans tezi; Gazi. Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi, TDE Bölümü, 1999), Mehmet Törenek / Bir Şehri Şiirlerle Anlatmak: Sıla Türküsü (Rahmet, Kasım 1999), Zanaattan Sanata (Anadolu Gençlik, Mart 2002), Türkiye Yazarlar Birliği / Rıfkı Kaymaz Kitabı (2011).