Necdet Kurdakul

Necdet Kurdakul

Istanbul, Turkey
İstanbul University Faculty of Law

Writer (b. 1960, İstanbul).  He is a graduate of İstanbul High School for Boys (1936), İstanbul University, Faculty of Law (1940).  After working as a director in some private businesses, he worked as a lawyer.  He is known for his articles in the journals İktisadi Yürüyüş, Yeni Asır and in the journals and newspapers Toprak, Dünya of which he was part of the managementHe wrote history articles for the Sosyalist Kültür Ansiklopedisi (Socialist Culture Encyclopedia, 1979-80).


Kıbrıs (Cyprus, 1969), Osmanlı İmparatorluğundan Orta Doğu'ya Şark Meselesi (The Oriental Issue from the Ottoman Empire to the Middle East, 1976), Bütün Yönleriyle Bedrettin (Bedrettin From all Aspects, 1977), Osmanlı İmpa–ratorluğu'nda Ticari Anlaşmalar ve Kapitülasyonlar (Mercantile Pacts and Capitulations in the Ottoman Empire, 1981), 1975-76 Yıllarının Esintisiyle (With the Breezes of the Years 1975-76, 1994), Tanzimat Dönemi Basınında Sosyo-Ekonomik Fikir Hareketleri (Social-Economic Idea Movements in the Press in the Tanzimat Reform Period).

He has also written application and handbooks on law.