Memmed Rahim
Poet (b. 20 June 1907, Baku, Azerbaijan-d. 6 May 1977). He attended primary and secondary education in Baku and graduated from Azerbaijan Institute of Pedagogy, Faculty of Orientalism. He began to his literary works in his university days.
His first poem Gördüm (I Saw) was published in 1926 from when his poems were published in various newspapers and reviews. After graduating, he served in different levels of Writers Union of Azerbaijan. He came to Turkey as a representative of Azerbaijan. He translated from Russian and Armenian. Approximately forty of his works were published.
MAIN WORKS (Poetry):
Arzular (Desires, 1930), İkinci Kitap (Second Book, 1933), Nubar (1939), Hezer Sahilinde (On the Beach of Hazer, 1948), Abşeron Torpağında (In the Land of Abşeron, 1952), Sevgi (Love, 1954), Mehebbetin Baharı (Spring of Love, 1957), Mehebbet Dastanı (Epic of Love, 1974).