Mehmet Ocaktan
Poet (b. 8 July 1955, Karayağmaz village / Dursunbey / Balıkesir). He attended primary school in his hometown and secondary school at Bursa Yıldırım Beyazıt Secondary School. He graduated from Bursa High School for Boys and Istanbul University, Faculty of Literature, Department of Eastern Languages (1984). He worked as a page secretary and a redactor at the newspapers Yeni Devir (1983) and Tercüman (1983-94). He still works at the newspaper Yeni Şafak, where he had worked as chief coordinator, editor-in-chief and columnist.
His first important studies on literature started at the niversity and his articles on poetry and literature have been published in the reviews Mavera, Yönelişler, Üç Çiçek, Şiir Atı, Gergedan, Bürde, Yedi İklim, Kaşgar, İpek Dili, Sombahar, Gösteri and Dergâh.
WORKS (Poetry):
Rüzgârla Yaslı (In Mourning with the Wind, 1984), Kırık Bir Rüya Denizi (A Sea of a Broken Dream, 1989), Aşk Meleği (Angel of Love, 1996).