İlhan Şen

İlhan Şen

Yildiz Technic University
Other Names
Kalp Yarası Ömer. Ramo dizisi Neco. Eşkıya Ferman Façalı. Seni Çok Bekledim Erol. Şahin Tepesi Mete. Mehmed Bir Cihan Fatihi Şehzade Alaaddin.

Born 1987 in Bulgaria. Height 1,89 m. Ilhan Sen born in Bulgaria. He moved to Istanbul, Turkey with his family when he was 2 years old.He finished primary and high school in Istanbul. He gratuated from Yildiz Technic University in high civil engineering faculty. He started modelling at the age of 17. He participate Best Model of Turkey competition in the year 2008 and he receive "Best Swimwear Model" award. In 2009, he get back to the competition and this time he received the first place as "Best Model Of Turkey 2009" title. He represented Turkey at "Best Model of The World 2009" which was held in Sofia-Bulgaria and he became "Best Model of Europe".

He contiues his career as model and actor in Turkey and abroad.He started his international career with Milan Fashion Week.In June 2009, he joined to the "Tamer Kurter Production and Management" for his national and international representation.

Beside, he is represented in Italy and France by "Joy Models". After his success in modelling he started his acting education. He worked with numerous important acting teachers as Bahar Kerimoglu, Derya Alabora, Levent Dönmez, Ümit Çirak. He also stared at a short film "Perspective", directed by Ömer Can Koçak. The film received many awards in international film festivals. Ilhan is a huge fan of movies. he can be called a true cinefil. He is also interested with litterature as reader and writer. Sports is another big passion for him.He play foorball, basketball, he also skies and snowboards. Equitation is also one of his skill. Beside being a very good music listener, he also plays guitar.


Films and TV Series:


Seni Çok Bekledim (Erol, TV Series 2021)

Ramo (Neco, TV Series 2020)

Biz Böyleyiz (Model, Film 2020)

Eşkıya Dünyaya Hükümdar Olmaz (Ferman Façalı, TV Series 2019)

Şahin Tepesi (Mete, TV Series 2018)

Mehmed: Bir Cihan Fatihi (Şehzade Alaaddin, TV Series 2018)

Perspective (Short Film 2011)


REFERENCE: İlhan Şen (, 12.01.2021), İlhan Şen (, 12.01.2021), İlhan Şen (, 12.01.2021), İlhan Şen (, 12.01.2021).