Hıfzı Veldet Velidedeoğlu

Hıfzı Veldet Velidedeoğlu

Istanbul, Turkey
February 24, 1992
Ankara University Faculty of Law

Writer (b. 1904, İstanbul - d. 24 February 1992). He attended Trabzon High School (1924) and graduated from Ankara University, Faculty of Law (1928). He did his doctorate studies in Switzerland (1933). He entered İstanbul University, Faculty of Law as an assistant in 1934. The same year, he became an associate professor, a professor in 1942 and later a distinguished professor. He served as dean at the same faculty twice (1946-48 and 1952-53) and retired in 1975. Velidedeoğlu was also a member of the commission that prepared the Constitution of 1961. His research and interviews were published in the newspapers Cumhuriyet and Milliyet.


Türk Medeni Hukuku (Turkish Common Law, 2 volumes, 1943-48), Hayat, Hukuk ve Cemiyet (Life, Law and Society, 1944), Bir Lise Öğrencisinin Millî Mücadele Anıları (Memoirs of a Student at High School during the Independence War, 1970), Türkiye'de Üç Devir (Three Eras in Turkey, 2 volumes, 1972-74), Sağsız Solsuz Demokrasi (Democracy without Left or Right, 1974), Devirden Devire (From One Era to Another, 3 volumes, 1974-76), Türk Yurttaşlar Yasası ve Borçlar Yasası Terim ve Sözlükler Kılavuzu (A Guide to Terms and Dictionaries of the Turkish Civil Code, 1975), Ailenin Çilesi Boşanma (Ordeal of a Family: Divorce, 1976), İnsancı Yolcular (Humanist Travelers, 1976), Anıların İzinde (In the Evidence of Memories, 2 volumes, 1977-79), Söylev (Speech, simplified from Atatürk’s work, 3 volumes, 1978-81), Millî Mücadele Anıları (Memoirs from the Independence War, 1983), Yol Kesen Irmak (Intercepting River, essays, 1983), Çağdaş Düşünce (The Modern Way of Thinking, 1987), 12 Mart Faşizminin Felsefesi (The Philosophy of Fascism in the 12 March Process, 1990).