Bekir Sıtkı Kunt

Bekir Sıtkı Kunt

Hatay, Turkey
March 8, 1959
Istanbul, Turkey
Istanbul University Faculty of Law

Storywriter (b. 1905, Antakya - d. 8 March 1959, İstanbul). After attending Antalya High School (1923), he entered İstanbul University, Faculty of Literature. He transferred to the Faculty of Law, while also working for the newspaper Vakit (1928). He continued working as a journalist for a while and then began to work as a jurist. He worked as a judge in Düzce, Uyak, Aydın and Ankara and then became the Attorney General of the Appeal Court (1934). He tried to draw the public’s attention with his articles published in local newspapers during the crisis in Hatay, which contributed to the process that resulted in the decision by the people of the State of Hatay to join the Republic of Turkey. Later on, he returned home and was elected the parliamentary deputy of Hatay (1939). On failing to be re-elected at the elections in 1946, he resumed his occupation and served as Principle Punishment Judge in İstanbul (1947-59). He is buried in Zincirlikuyu Graveyard.

His short stories were published in the newspaper Yeni Adana, in the supplements of the newspaper Vakit (1924-35) and in the reviews Varlık, Adımlar, Yurt ve Dünya, Yeditepe. In his works, he depicted the problems of rural and urban people in a clear language.

WORKS (Short Story):

Memleket Hikâyeleri (Stories of the Homeland, 1933), Talkınla Salkım (Cyme and Bunch, 1937), Herkes Kendi Hayatını Yaşar (Everybody Lives his Own Life, 1941), Yataklı Vagon Yolcusu (Passenger in the Sleeping Wagon, 1948), Ayrı Dünya (A Different World, 1952), Arzu ile Kamber (Arzu and Kamber, rewritten version of the folk tale with the same title, 1940).