Scholar, poet, calligrapher (B. ?, Baghdad - D. 981). His real name is Ebu‘l-Kasım Hasan, his father’s name is Bisr, his grandfather’s name is Yahya. Âmidî was called as one of the masters of Arab Literature; he completed his education in Baghdad. He received dictionary, syntax and literature lectures from well-known linguists like, Ahfeş, Zeccac, el-Hamız, İbn Düreyd, İbn Serrac. Because he worked as stenographer in Baghdad, he was also known as “Kâtib-i Amidî”. Âmidî, was a good poem critic and at the same time a calligrapher.
Divan, Kitâbu‘l-Has ve‘l-Müşterek, El‘Muhtelef ve‘l-Mu‘telef, Kitâbul-Muvâzene beyne‘t-Taiyeyn Ebi Temmâm vel-Buhturî (translation and editing: Veled İzbudak, 1893), Neşrü’l Manzum.
REFERENCE: Şevket Beysanoğlu / Diyarbakırlı Fikir ve Sanat Adamları (vol. 1, 1957), TDE Ansiklopedisi (vol. 1, 1976), İhsan Işık (TEKAA, 2009).