Ahmet Nahmedov

Ahmet Nahmedov

July 27, 1957
Petersburg University Department of Turcology

Linguist (b. 27 July 1957, Azerbaijan). He graduated from Petersburg University, Department of Turcology (1980). He did his master (1982) and doctorate (1985) at the same University. He became sub assistant professor (1985), assistant professor (1987) and professor (1995). He is a titular member of the Turkish Historical Society. Besides English and Russian reviews, his articles were published in the reviews Yeni Türkiye in Turkey, Edebiyat ve İncesanat in Azerbaijan and in symposium booklets.


DICTIONARY: Türkçe-Rusça Konuşma Kılavuzu (Turkish-Russian Speaking Guide, Moscow, 1991), Azerbaycanca-Rusça-Türkçe Konuşma Kılavuzu (Azeri-Russian-Turkish Speaking Guide, Baku, 1992).

RESEARCH: Azerbaycan'da Ermeni Mezalimi (Armenian Atrocity in Azerbaijan, collobrated work, Arabic, Baku, 1993).