Hüseyin Avni Şanda

Historian of Economics


Researcher of the history of economics (b. 1902, Akçaabat / Trabzon - d. 1971, İstanbul). He attended primary and elementary school in Trabzon, where he also worked for the newspaper İstiklal for some time (1923). After he settled in İstanbul (1926), he continued as a journalist with Vakit and Akşam daily papers, Ekonomi (member of the editorial board) and İstanbul Postası (he published himself, 1959-64). Besides this, his articles were published in Akşam, Yeni Adam and Yeni Edebiyat. He is famous for his research on the entry of capitalism to Turkey.


Bir Yarım Müstemleke Oluş Tarihi (History of Becoming a Semi-Colony, 1932), 1908'de Ecnebi Sermayesine Karşılık İlk Kalkınmalar (First Development Period against Foreign Capital in 1908, 1935; simplified new appended edition, 1977), Türkiye'de Sanayiin İnkişafı (The Development of Industry in Turkey, 1936), Reaya ve Köylü (Non-Muslim Communities and Villagers, 1941).


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