Banu Avar

Gazeteci, Yazar

18 Temmuz, 1955

Journalist- writer. She began with her journalism career in Süreç journal. She worked as a reporter in newspapers such as Günaydın, Vatan, Dünya and Politika and published several series of articles. She published TV programs named “Mosaic” and “Caleidoscop” at TRT 1 and TRT 2 of which she was the producer, director and host. She was the reporter of 32nd Day in London (1980-1981). She was the producer in Turkey for BBC and Discovery Channel documents “I, Caesar”, “Crimean War”, “The Great Game” and “Troy”. She realized more than 30 documentaries including “Aliyev” which was published in Azerbaijan State Channel many times; apart from “Ohri, Beautiful Ohri” which was translated into Macedonian , she also made other documentaries  such as “Once Upon a Time in Cyprus”, “Afghanistan: The War Zone of Giants” and “Lovers of Turkey”. She worked as a programmer and speaker at BBC Turkish Publications Department (1984-1991) and also as the London reporter of TRT.

In 1999, she established the documentary section of TV 8 and prepared more than 30 documentaries until 2004.

Her program “Between the Borders”, which she prepared and hosted, was publicized on TRT 1 from June 2004. This program has issued files on Balkans, Caucasia, Middle East, Central Asia, China, India and Latin America which tried to emphasize the similarities of the people living in the Eurasian region in particular, aiming to increase the relations among the countries within this region. She has received several awards from more than 40 institutions between the years of 2004 and 2008.


Sınırlar Arasında (2006), Hüznün Toprağı Balkanlar’dan Geleceğin Gücü Avrasya’ya (2006), Avrasyalı Olmak (2006), Böl ve Yut – Batının Politikaları Bugün de Aynı (2008), Hangi Avrupa (2007), Demokrasi Projeleri (2008).

REFERENCE: İhsan Işık (TEKAA, 2009).



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