Mehmet Şerif Çavdaroğlu


11 December, 1873
03 September, 1958
Mulkiye Mekteb-i Idadi

Statesman (B. December 11, 1873, Istanbul – D. September 3, 1958, Istanbul). He graduated from Nuruosmaniye Primary School, Soğukçeşme Military High School, Mulkiye Mekteb-i Idadi (1894). He taught Ottoman and Official Correspondence at Mekteb-i Mülkiye-i Şahane İdadî and Dârülmuallimîn-i Âliye (Teachers’ High School) between 1899 and 1900. He was married to the youngest daughter of Sultan Abdulaziz, Emine Sultan, in 1901 and he was titled as the Damad-ı Şehriyârî and as Vizier pasha in 1904. He became a member of State Order Council on January 25, 1905. He was unemployed when Union and Progress Party came to power after the declaration of Second Constitutional Monarchy. He was appointed as The Istanbul Governor on August 17, 1909. He was appointed as Minister of Public Works at Gazi Ahmed Muhtar Pasha cabinet in July 1912. He worked as minister in other cabinets. He was exiled from the country on March 6, 1924; with the reason of being a member of the Ottoman dynasty. He lived in France for long years and returned back to Istanbul in 1946 upon the acceptance of his application by Recep Peker government.


Tuhfetü’n-Nuzzâr fî Garâibi’l-Emsâr ve Acâibi’l-Esfâr Tercümesi (2 vol., translation from İbn-i Batûta, 1919, 1921), Hükümdar (from Machiavel, 1919), Fihrist-i Tuhfetü’n-Nuzzâr fî Garâibi’l-Emsâr ve Acâibi’l-Esfâr (1924, editing with new letters Mümin Çevik - Ali Metin Güven, 2005).

REFERENCE: Mücellidoğlu Ali Çankaya / Yeni Mülkiye Tarihi ve Mülkiyeliler (vol. III, 1968), İhsan Işık (TEKAA, 2009).


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