Mahmud Şevket Paşa


11 June, 1913
Military Academy
Other Names

Statesman, grand vizier of the Second Constitutional Monarchy (B.1856, Baghdad – D. July 11th, 1913, Istanbul). He was known by the sobriquet of Arab because he was born and grew up in Baghdad. He was the son of Chechenian- originated chamberlain Kethüdazâde  Süleyman Bey, who was a mutasarrıf (governor of sanjak) in Sultan Abdülmecid’s period. His mother was coming from a deep- rooted Turkish family dating back to the period of Murat IV. After having gone to rüştiye (secondary school) for a year in Baghdad, he went to Istanbul to continue military school (1870). For two years, he continued to Üsküdar Atlamataşı Military Junior High School, and then he went to Kuleli Military İdadisi (High School). In 1876, he started the Mekteb-i Harbiye (Military Academy) and graduated in 1878, after which he started the Erkan-ı Harbiye (Staff Officer) class. He graduated from Erkan-ı Harbiye School with captain of staff rank in 1880. He took up a position in Copyright and Translation Bureau of the second Branch Office of Erkan-ı Harbiye Dairesi (the Office of Commander in Chief). He knew German and French besides Arabic. He started to give courses such as algebra and geometry, fenn-i silah (science of weapons), endaht (shooting, training) theory in Military Academy and write in various periodicals and publish translations. He worked as the assistant of German Von der Goltz Pasha who continued studies to reorganize Military Academy. In 1884, he was promoted to kolağası (lieutenant commander) rank.

     Mahmud Şevket Bey, at the time of purchasing new weapons largely from Germany, worked in weapon purchase commissions founded under the presidency of Vidinli Tevfik Bey. He promoted to the rank of colonel. In the meantime, going to Germany and France, he took charge in making choice of betaken weapons. After staying in Germany for a long time, he became mirliva (brigadier) in 1895. He promoted to feriklik (major general) in 1901 and he was charged with installing Mecca-Medina wire lines on Hejaz railway line in the same year. After he returned six or seven months later, he was charged with his previous job. Promoted to the first order feriklik (full general) in 1905, he was appointed as governor of Kosova. While he was in charge, he condoned actions against regime by getting in contact with Committee of Union and Progress. Appointed to the third Army Commander, Mahmud Şevket Pasha rose rapidly in his policy career thanks to being asked for skirmishers battalion of the Third Army to protect Commissional Monarchy during declaration of the second Commissional Monarchy (1908).

          Pasha came to Istanbul with the Hareket Ordusu (T.N. the Hareket Army) of which he was in charge and which headed for Istanbul after the March 31st incident (April 13th, 1909). Reaching to an effective role in a short time, he had an influence on the reign change that ended in dethroning of Abdülhamid the second and acceding of Sultan Reşad (Mehmed V) to the throne. He was appointed as the inspector of the first, second and third armies on May 18th, 1909. Clamping down on government and assembly, he displayed a strict and severe administration. However, he gradually came into conflict with İttihat ve Terakki Cemiyeti (T.N. the Committee of Union and Progress). Hüseyin Hilmi Pasha’s duty as the prime minister was under the control of Mahmud Şevket Pasha and his becoming the Minister of War (January 25th, 1910) in Hakkı Pasha Government couldn’t be prevented. Moreover, he didn’t consent to resign form his position as inspector of three armies.

            Mahmud Şevket Pasha’s suppressing the Albanian revolt started in the same year would constitute one of the reasons for dissolution during Balkan Wars. Withdrawing soldiers from Tripoli to suppress the Yemen revolts was regarded as one reason for weak resistance to Italian strikes (1911) and it was another topic of criticism for him. Even if initially he remained in his position as the Minister of War also in Sait Pasha Government established upon overthrowing of İbrahim Hakkı Pasha Government, after a while he was obliged to resign (July 1912). Once Sait Halim Pasha Government resigned, even if the “Great Council of Ministers” founded under the presidency of Gazi Ahmet Muhtar Pasha wanted to appoint him to Alasonya Army Commandership during the Balkan Wars, he did not accept the task. After the war, the press and opposition considered him as the one responsible from the defeat. The Bulgarians’ coming to closer parts of Istanbul as well as seizing Edirne dictated the peace inevitable.

            As Romania also joined Bulgaria in the war she had against its neighboring countries, this was at least giving a chance to Ottoman Empire to save Thrace and Edirne. The Committee of Union and Progress staged a coup by making a sudden attack on Sublime Porte (Seat of Government) provided the Great Council of Ministers consented to the losses and thereby Grand vizier Kıbrıslı Kâmil Pasha was obliged to resign (January 23rd, 1913). The new government was established by Mahmud Şevket Pasha as he accepted such offer by the Committee of Union and Progress. According to new grand vizier inspecting army’s condition in Çatalca bulwarks, it was not possible for the army to fight again. However, strike decision was taken to save Edirne due to the pressure made by İttihatçiler (T.N. members of the Committee of Union and Progress, the Unionists). Under the pressure of the war it has with its neighbors, Bulgaria was not in the position to stand against the Turkish headway in Thrace. Recapturing of Edirne was as if it was a maneuver and around the reputation of “Conqueror of Edirne”, a ruthless race was run among many others, especially Enver Pasha being in the first place and consequently began sowing the seeds of hostility.

            Mahmud Şevket Pasha had a personality that didn’t let his powers be shared as the Grand Vizier with the forerunners of the Committee of Union and Progress, with whom he didn’t get on well since then. Infightings with the Committee of Union and Progress gradually increased and the committee considered him as a threat. On the other hand, the opposition became severe against him, the Grand vizier. M. Şevket Pasha didn’t credit warnings made by the Istanbul guardian Cemal Pasha that there might be an assassination attempt to kill him at all. However, after having finished his works at Ministry of War and then heading for the government house, Mahmut Şevket Pasha was killed in an armed assault around Çarşıkapı on 11th day of June, 1913 and the other day he was buried in Hürriyet-i Ebediyye Hill. Topal Tevfik, who pulled the trigger that killed the Pasha and his co-conspirators, were soon captured and put to death. It is a common opinion that the Committee of Union and Progress, which wanted to get rid of Pasha, was involved in the assassination.      Mahmud Şevket Pasha was not a member of the Committee of Union and Progress. Nevertheless, he felt a kind of affinity for them as they gave him the chance to gain power and as long as they didn’t want to become a partner of his reign. He was a quick-tempered person with a rigid personality, who always acted rapidly and also requested others act accordingly. That being said, he was weak-spirited, but very cautious and leery. It is told he concealed some secrets of the state even from the sultan of the period. Some newsman praised him with titles as Napolyon, Mithat Pasha and Conqueror the Second because he came Istanbul as the head of the Hareket Army. Some dictatorial activities of him might indicate that he was under the influence of those expressions. He had some collation and translation books taught in Military Academy and in other military schools. Devlet-i Osmâniyye’nin Bidâyet-i Tesisinden Şimdiye Kadar Osmanlı Teşkilât ve Kıyâfet-i Askeriyesi”, his most important work deals with Ottoman military organizations from the foundation till 1902 and it is considered as a serious study.


     Logaritma Cedâvili Risalesi (from Jean Dupuis, H. 1301), Fenn-i Esliha (H. 1301), Usûl-i Hendese I-II (H. 1302-1304),  Asâkir-i Şahanenin Piyade Sınıfına Mahsus 87 Modeli Mükerrer Ateşli Mavzer üzer Tüfeği (H. 1303), Mükerrer Ateşli Tüfekler (H.1308), Küçük Çaplı Mavzer Tüfekleri Risâlesi (H. 1311), Küçük Çaplı Mavzer Tüfeklerine Mahsus Atlas  (H.1311), Devlet-i Osmâniyye’nin Bidâyet-i Tesisinden Şimdiye Kadar Osmanlı Teşkilât ve Kıyâfet-i Askeriyesi(I-III, H. 1320).   



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