Mahir Kaynak

Economist, Political Scientist

Istanbul University Faculty of Economics

       Economist and political scientist (b. 1934, Gaziantep). He completed his primary and secondary education in his hometown. He graduated from Kuleli Military High School (1953) and Istanbul University, Faculty of Economics (1961). He worked as an assistant at the same faculty. He became a doctor in 1965 and an assistant professor in 1971. Until 1967 he served in the military and in 1980 he officially retired from the National Information Organization. He became an economics professor in 1981. In 1993 he left Gazi University. He was known for his lectures that he made on TV and at panel discussions and symposiums.


Olaylar ve Çözümlemeler (Events and Analyzing, 1996), Osiera Nero Öldü (Osiera Nero is Dead, 1996), Komplo Yok (No Conspiracy, 1999), Yel Üfürdü Sel Götürdü (The Wind Blew, The Flood Took , 2001), Sil Baştan (Erase from the Beginning, 2002), Büyük Ortadoğu Projesi ve Türkiye Üzerine Stratejik Analizler (Great Middle East Project and Strategic Analyzes Regarding Turkey, 2005).


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