Musa Anter

Journalist, Writer, Poet

20 September, 1992
Istanbul University Faculty of Literature
Other Names
Ape Musa

Writer (B. 1918, Akarsu village (Zivingé) / Nusaybin / Mardin – D. September 20, 1992, Diyarbakır). He was famous with his pseudonym “Apé Musa”. He completed the primary school in Mardin, secondary and high schools in Adana. He started to study at Istanbul University, Faculty of Literature in 1941. Then he left this department and was registered at the Law Faculty. He was arrested in 1959 because of his articles, put on trial and was exiled to Çanakkale for a period. Starting from the same year on; he was arrested during March 12, September 12 and in later periods and imprisoned because of DDKO trials.

He published Doğu journal in 1969. His articles were published in several journals and newspapers such as Dicle Kaynağı, Şark Postası, İleri Yurt, Barış Dünyası, Deng, Yeni Ülke, Welat, Rewşen, Tewlo. He was writing columns in Özgür Gündem newspaper. He was murdered in 1992 at Diyarbakir and his murder is unidentified. He was the founding member of the Kurdish Institute in Istanbul and the political party HEP.


Kımıl (1962), Birina Reş, Hatıralarım, Vakayiname, Fırat Marmara’ya Akar (1999).

REFERENCE: İhsan Işık (TEKAA, 2009).



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