Kadir Has


22 March, 2007
Boğaziçi University

Businessman (B. 1921, Kayseri, D.  22nd March 2007, Istanbul). Born to Nuri and Zekiye Has in Kayseri, Kadir Has was a businessman and also one of the founders of Akbank. When he graduated from the Boğaziçi University (1942), he got married to Rezan Hanım, daughter of Mehmet and Şehime Germirli, one of the recognized families in Kayseri.

His father Nuri Has was among the richest of Turkey with many factories and enterprises that Nuri Has founded, starting from the scratch labouringly in Adana, and was one of the founders of Akbank.  

After he got married, Kadir Has took up a career immediately.  As well as the qualities and assets inherited from his family, Kadir Has was shortly ranked among the richest businesspersons of Adana, thanks to his entrepreneurial mindset, hard work and perseverance, and business life focusing on the automotive trading, especially on marketing trucks and tractors. Settling in Istanbul in 1960, Kadir Has was also among the richest businesspersons of Istanbul thanks to his integrity, ambition, and reliable personality, especially focusing on automotive industry business. He established the Mercedes Bus and Truck Factory and was the Chairman and Member of the Board of Directors to this enterprise for many years. He first founded the Coca-Cola Factory in our country. He was one of the partners of Peugeot-branded passenger van factory in the name of “Karsan” along with the Koç family. He became the official Turkey distributor of the famous French company Michelin. In addition, he realized similar business enterprises.

 Having the highest founder’s share of Akbank following the Sabancı family, Kadir Has made a great success in all of the enterprises that he founded and developed, and gave a good account of himself in each business that he attempted. In 1998, he was granted a Title of Honorary PhD by Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University and Marmara University because of his great contributions to the education. Kadir Has and Rezan Has donated their entire fortune to the foundation named “Kadir Has Foundation Specific to Turkish Education (HASVAK)”, which they founded in 1991 upon their will. In other words, they granted what they had gained from their company, to their country again. His biggest passion was to see that Kadir Has University, named after him, commenced to provide education and could develop and grow. Experiencing such happiness in 1997, Kadir Has passed away in Istanbul on March 23rd, 2007.

ABOUT: Kadir Has passed away, having a heart attack (Zaman, 22nd March 2007).



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