Gülten Kazgan

Economist, Writer

05 June, 1927
Istanbul University Faculty of Economics
Other Names
Fatma Gülten Kazgan

Economist, author. She was born in June 05, 1927 in Istanbul.  Her full name is Fatma Gülten Kazgan. After completing her primary school education, she entered American Girls' College. She continued to Conservatory in those years and started to play the piano. She was introduced to economy in those years. She started to be interested in economy since the ninth grade of American Girls' College and graduated from Istanbul University, Faculty of Economics by taking lectures from famous German economists such as Neumark, Kesler and Isaac (1950). She completed her doctoral studies with her thesis named "Long Term Trends of Instability of Income in Agriculture" and went to the University of Chicago with the Rockefeller scholarship. She worked for two years with T.W. Schultz there. She returned to Istanbul University Faculty of Economics and became an associate professor with her presentation named "Supply Function in Turkish Agriculture" (1961). She has become a competent name in the area of agricultural economy.

She used her works in this period and published her book named "Agriculture and Development". She worked at SVIMEZ (Rome) for two summers with the scholarship from Ford Foundation and at ISEA (Paris) for one year (1975). She received her professorship from Istanbul University Faculty of Economics. She started to study on political economy and began to publish books on this subject. Her research and articles were published in Cumhuriyetand Milliyetnewspapers and journals such as  "Yön, İktisat ve Maliye Mecmuasıand Toplum BilimShe focused her studies on theories of economy and published her book İktisadi Düşünce veya Politik İktisadın Evrimi(1969). Prof. Kazgan's book named "Tanzimattan XXI.Yüzyıla Türkiye Ekonomisi Birinci Küreselleşmeden İkinci Küreselleşmeye(1999) draws a panorama of Turkish economy and explains how Ottoman state was semi-colonized. In the second chapter, she examines how Turkey was dragged into second globalization from 1980 onwards with the liberalization of goods, services and capital. Finally, she produces scenarios for the Turkey's position in the first twenty years of 21st century.

She was selected as the "best economist in her area" in 1988 by the readers of "Ekonomik Panorama"; and received the 1998 "Women of Enlightenment" prize; and "the Academician of the Year" in 2000 by the readers of "Finans Dünyası" journal.  In 2002, she received the Social Sciences Award from Turkish Journalists' Association Sedat Simavi Awards.

Prof. Kazgan was retired from Istanbul University, Faculty of Economics in 1994. She participated in the establishment of Istanbul Bilgi University as "Member of Founding Foundation". She worked as the President of Research Center for Society-Economy-Politics (TESAR) in the same university and as the member of Founding Foundation. She is a member of several occupational and research institutions.    

She made a presentation with Korkut Boratav (chair), Ayşe Buğra, Ergun Türkcan, Taner Timur, İşaya Üşür at the closing panel of TSBD (Turkish Social Sciences Association) 9th National Social Sciences Congress; which was remarkable. Kazgan has a neutral style and her works analyze the ideas in-depth and she clearly reveals the ideologies. She wrote several articles and made works on the education of woman in Turkey and the problems of woking women.


Tarım Ekonomisi ve İktisadi Gelişme (1966), Ortak Pazar ve Türkiye (1970), Ekonomide Dışa Açık Büyüme (1973), 100 Soruda Ortak Pazar ve Türkiye (1975), İktisadi Düşünce ve Tarihi (1981), Tarım ve Geliştirme (1983), Türkiye’de Gelir Bölüşümü (1992), Kuştepe Araştırması 1999 (ortak, 1999), Tanzimat’tan XXI. Yüzyıla Türkiye Ekonomisi Birinci Küreselleşmeden İkinci Küreselleşmeye (1999), Küreselleşme ve Ulus-Devlet Yeni Ekonomik Düzen (2000), Kuştepe Gençlik Araştırmaları (2002), Tarım ve Gelişme (2003), Dünden Bugüne Türkiye ve Rusya Politik Ekonomik ve Kültürel İlişkiler (2003), İktisadi Düşünce veya Politik İktisadın Evrimi (2004), Türkiye Ekonomisinde Krizler 1919- 2001: Ekonomi Politik Açısından Bir İrdeleme (2005), İstanbul Gençliği Gençlik Değerleri Araştırması (2006),

REFERENCE: Görsel Büyük Genel Kültür Ansiklopedisi (1984), Büyük Larousse Ansiklopedisi (1986), İhsan Işık / Türkiye Edebiyatçılar ve Kültür Adamları Ansiklopedisi (2006).


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