Galip Kurdoğlu

Writer, Poet

21 October, 1955

Poet, writer, photographer (b. 21 October 1955, Arhavi / Artvin). He worked as correspondent of Hürriyet News Agent. He served as clerk in Social Security Institution Arhavi Hospital. He retired in 2002.

His poems, news, photographs and humor stories were published in the reviews and newspapers Hürriyet, Milliyet, Güneş, Takip, Karadeniz, Bizim Ece, Gülpınar, Zıpır etc. He opened many photograph exhibitions. Some of his poems were composed. Besides, his poems were published in the anthologies Mısraların Dili (Language of the Verses), Bizim Ece (Our Ece), Gönül Sohbetleri (Conversations of Heart), Ana (Mother). He received near twenty awards from different institutions. He is a member of the Professional Association of Scientific and Literary Work Owners of Turkey, the Musical Work Owners Society of Turkey and the Writers Union of the Black Sea.


ANECDOTES: Gülebiliyorsunuz (You can Laugh, 1992), Temel’un Ta Kendisi (Temel Himself, 1999), Fadime Hala (Aunt Fadime, 1999), Bizum Galip (Our Galip, 1999), Temel’un Fıkraları (Anecdotes of Temel, 2000), Temel Oğli Temel (Temel, son of Temel, 2000).

HUMOR STORY: Mis Kokulu (Sweet Smelling, 1992).

POETRY: Su Gibi (Like Water, 1992), Gece Gül Kokuyordu (Night Smells like Rose, 1999), Canımın Feryatları (Shouts of My Soul, 1999), Şair Olmak İstiyorum (I Want to be Poet, 1999), Duygularım (My Feelings, 2000).



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