Aziz Mahmud Hüdâî


Other Names
Aziz Mahmud (asıl adı)

Theologian and poet (b. 1543, ? – d. 1628, İstanbul). His real name is Aziz Mahmud. He is the founder of Celvetiyye order. He was a teacher at Muslim Theological Schools in Edirne and Bursa and in the provinces of Damascus and Egypt. He joined the Halvetiye order when he was in Egypt and served under Bayrami Şeyh Üftâde after he had a dream in Bursa. He became known for his sermons in Fatih Mosque (1593- 98). He received the affection and respect of Sultan Ahmet I.

Afterwards he concentrated on his preaching at his dervish lodge that he founded in Üsküdar. He continued his preaching regularly at Üsküdar Mihrimah Sultan Mosque (Quay Mosque) and weekly at Sultanahmet Mosque. Yunus Emre’s influence is seen in the poems of Aziz Mahmut Hüdâi Efendi. He wrote 30 works of prose and poetry written in Arabian and Turkish as well as his Divan (Divan*) including his poems written in prosodic and syllabic meter. His hymns were set to music.


Divan (Divan*, published in 1921), Külliyat-ı Hazret-i Hüdayî (Complete Works of Esteemed Hüdayi: Muhammediye (On the Prophet Mohammed), Tarikatname (The Order Book), Necatü'l-Garik (Salvation of the Drowned) Divan (Divan*) by Mehmet Gülşen published in 1919-21), Vaktat-ı Üftâde (Words of His Şeyh Üftâde), Sohbetler (Conversations, simplified edition by Safi Arpagur, 1995).


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