Scholar and mystic (B. 1584, Bosnia – D. 1644 (or 1636), Konya). He is one of the Bayrami Melamis and also caliph of Bıcakcı Ömer Dede, one of the caliphs of Haci Bayram-ı Veli. He is known with his annotation named Füsusû’l-Hikem. He began with his education in Bosnia. He went to Bursa, one of the scientific and cultural centers of his period and he got attached to Hasan Kabaduz in there. He has become one the prominent representatives of Bayrami Melamis, also known as the second term Melamis. He used the opinions of Sheikh Abdulmecid Halveti. He went to Egypt and to Hajj from there. He was effective to disperse and get Melamism and mysticism in these regions with his comprehensive knowledge about the scholastic and mystic issues. While returning from Hajj, he stayed in Damascus for a while and lived a secluded life next to the tomb of Muhyiddin İbnü’l-Arabî. Then he passed away in Konya where he resided and he was buried next to Sadreddin-I Konevi. It is known that he trained many mystics.

The annotation of Füsusû’l-hikem made him to be known with the name “Şârihu’l-Füsûs” in Islam countries. This annotation has the name Tecelliyâtü ara isi’n-nüsûs fi manassâti hikemi’l-füsûs. In this work, he considered the main arguments of the idea of unity of existence under twelve titles. The most important issues are: Hatm-i velayet, gayb-ı mutlak, a’yân-ı sâbite, hazarât-ı hams, nübüvvet, velâyet,  ilm-i zâhir, ilm-i bâtın, mahabbet, hakîkat-i Muhammediyye, mürşid-i kâmil. Abdullah Bosnevî has evaluated that the notification of news about the prophets in Qur’an in Arabic as a sign that everyone should speak the language of their own society and therefore he annotated the Fusûs in Turkish. Tecelliyâtü ara isi’n-Füsûs was published twice; Bulak in 1252 and Istanbul in 1290.


Şerhu Füsûsi’l-Hikem el-Müsemmâ bi Tecelliyâti Arâisi’n-Nusûs fî Minsati Hükmi’l-Füsûs, Mevâkibü’l-Fıkara, el-Vüsûl ile’l-Hazreti’l-İlâhiyye, Hakîkatü’l Yakîn, Metâliu’n-Nûri’s-Senî, Risâle-i Hazreti’l-Gayb, Tecelle’n-Nûri’l-Mübîn, Risâle fî Tefsîri “Nûn ve’l-Kalem”, Risâle-i A’yân-ı Sâbite, Risâle fî Tafdîli’l-Beşer ale’l-Melek, el-Yedü’l-Ecved fî İstilâmi Haceri’l-Esved, el-Burhânü’l-Celî, Risâle fî Temessül-i Cibrîl, Tefsîr-i Sûre-i Ve’l-Âdiyât, Risâletü’n-Neş’eti’l-İnsâniyye, Tefsîr-i Sûre-i Asr, Münâcât, Kitâbü’l-Kurâ, - Kitâbü’l-Mufâdala, - Kitâbü’l-Müntehâ, - Risâle-fî - Ref’i’l-Hicâb, Kitâbü’l-Müstevâl, Meşriku’r Rûhâniyye ve Mağribi’l-Cismâniyye, Lübbü’l-Lübb fî Beyâni’l-Akli ve’ş-Şürb, el-Keşfü’s-Sırrı’l-Mübhem, - ed-Dürrü’l-Manzûm, - Keşfü Esrâri’l-Berere, Disâle fî Kavli’l-Cüneyd, Tezyîlün fî Münâzaati İblîs li Sehl b. Abdillah et-Tüsterî, Sırru’l-Hakâyıkı’l-İlmiyye, el-Enfâsi’l-Miskiyyeti’r-Rûmiyye, el-Kenzü’l-Mahtûm, es-Sırru’l-Kelimeteyn, Mekâsidu Envâri’l-Ayniyye, Şerh-i Beyt-i Mesnevî.

REFERENCE: Abdülbâki Gölpınarlı / Melâmîlik ve Melâmîler (1931, p. 79), S. Nüzhet Ergun / Türk Şairleri (1936-45, vol.2, p. 864-867), Bursalı Mehmed Tahir / Osmanlı Müellifleri I (1972), Mustafa Kara / TDV İslâm Ansiklopedisi  (vol. 1, 1988, p. 87), İhsan Işık (TEKAA, 2009).


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