Beyzâde Mustafa



Mystic (B. ?, Ahiska – D. 1785, Jeddah). He was one of the Naqgshbandi scholars. He received his education in Istanbul where he arrived as a child. He has completed his training and education in the area of mysticism by Hisarli Hafiz Mehmed Effendi, who was the student of Gelibolulu Mustafa Effendi, a caliph of Muradi Buhari whose tomb is in Eyüp. He was the sheikh at Çarsamba (Fatih) Murad Molla Dervish Convent. When he was on road for hajj for the second time, he dies on a ship close to Jeddah. He was buried close to the tomb of Her Holiness Havva. He has letters to Mevlana Seyyid Murteza, an interpreter of Kamus and poets in Arabic.


Mevlid-i Nebî, Menâsik-i Hac, Kasîdetü’d-Dürriyye, Risâletü’l-Mazlûm ve’l-Meçhûl mine’s-Sarf, Kasîde-i Nazmu’n-Nâsıhîn.

REFERENCE: Bursalı Mehmed Tahir / Osmanlı Müellifleri I (1972), İhsan Işık (TEKAA, 2009).


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