Mehmed Zahid Kotku

Scholar, Sufi

Theologian and scholar (b. 1887, Bursa – d. 1980, İstanbul). He came from a family who migrated from the Caucasus to Turkey. He moved to İstanbul and entered the Nakshbendi order and was attached to Ömer Ziyaeddin Gümüşhanevi from Daghistan. He studied theosophy and Islamic sciences. After the closing of the dervish lodges , he returned to Bursa and began to work as a imam. In 1952 he moved back to İstanbul and worked first at a mosque in Zeyrek, and then at İskenderpaşa Mosque until his death.

With his supporters he played an important role not only in the revival of theosophy in the political arena in Turkey but also in the academic and intellectual area with his conversations.


Tasavvufî Ahlâk (Theosophical Morality, 5 volumes, 1984-85), Nefsin Terbiyesi (Tutoring Greed, 1984), Mü'minlere Vaazlar (Preaching to Muslims, 1985), Hac (Pilgrimage, 1985), En Güzel Ameller (The Most Valued Deeds, 1985), Korku ve Ümit (Fear and Hope, 1985), Zulüm (Torture, 1985), İlim (Science, 1985), Sabır (Patience, 1985), Cihad (The Islamic Holy War, 1985), Zikrullahın Faydaları (Benefits of Commemorating God, 1985), Müminlerin Vasıfları (Qualities of the Muslims, 1985), Namaz* (Ritual Prayer, 1985), İman (Faith, 1985), Yemek Adabı (The Discipline of Eating, 1985), Tevbe (Apology from God, 1985), Zekat (Offering, 185), Cömertlik (Generosity, 1985), İçki (Alcohol, 1985), Tevhid (The Uniqueness of God, 1985), Ana-Baba Hakları (Rights of the Mother and Father, 1985), Hadislerle Nasihatlar (Advice in the Hadis*, 2 volumes, 1985), Ehl-i Sünnet Akaidi (The Faith of Ehl-I Sünnet*, 1986), Cennet Yolları (The Ways to the Paradise, 1986). 

REFERENCE: H. Hüseyin Erkaya / Vuslatının 14. Yılında Mehmed Zâhid Kotku (k.s.) ve Tasavvuf (Sempozyum bildirileri, 1995), Mahmut Esat Coşan / TDV İslâm Ansiklopedisi (c. 26, 2002), İhsan Işık / Resimli ve Metin Örnekli Türkiye Edebiyatçılar ve Kültür Adamları Ansiklopedisi (2006, 2007) - Ünlü Fikir ve Kültür Adamları (Türkiye Ünlüleri Ansiklopedisi, C. 3, 2013) - Encyclopedia of Turkey’s Famous People (2013).


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